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Questions tagged [captcha]

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6 votes
0 answers

Alignment issue in the CAPTCHA window

There is an alignment issue in the CAPTCHA window. Some time the I'm not a robot checkbox went out of the modal window. Some time the modal window occupying the full width of the page, it expected ...
2 votes
2 answers

reCAPTCHA image verification improvements

Sometimes when I'm quick, I get a reCAPTCHA to verify that I am human. I'm totally fine with this. Today I got a reCAPTCHA with images. I had to select peanuts or street signs, and somehow I am not ...
3 votes
0 answers

Captcha freezes and does nothing

I try to post The captcha bot (are you a human ?) appears I guess the right letters A text field appears on the screen, asking me to cut and paste into another text field. I do that. Nothing else ...
8 votes
0 answers

Are you a human being? [closed]

I was presented by this while trying to search from my home computer on superuser without being signed-in. Since I could not answer a CAPTCHA; here is my proof: I hope I the confusion is now cleared,...
-3 votes
1 answer

I'm human, even when I'm incognito!

Whenever I'm visiting Super User in incognito mode, I have to verify that I'm a human (almost every time). I realize that this could be avoided by not being incognito, but for various reasons, I'm ...
9 votes
0 answers

change captcha without a mouse

Just noticed that while typing my last question... I got the Are You a Human page, with the captcha. I couldn't read one of the words for nothing. And there was no way to focus the reload button (or ...
-10 votes
1 answer

Captcha doesn't work with IE

All I can see is "I am human being". I don't know which version my IE is, I don't know where to check it, but it came with Windows 7, so it can't be that old.
4 votes
2 answers

How often do you get the robot prompt? I've gotten it every time for the past week now. . .

I've noticed that I get prompted and asked if I'm a robot every time recently. I'm curious if this was due to my machine or the site flagging me. And this has been on multiple machines, on different ...
4 votes
2 answers

Captcha not showing input....

When prompted for a Captcha by SU, There's no visible captcha text and no input box. The only thing visible is the "I'm a human" button. Windows XP, FireFox 4 Form Source: <form method="...