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How do I upload photos on Super User?

I figured that photos can only be posted via links. Is there any way to upload photos to a question or answer? Thank you!
Firestar464's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get back to removed comments (particular case)?

I've asked a question and now, that I get back to it showing to a colleague of mine, I notice that portion of the comments have been removed. I'd like to see those. That would support my claim of ...
Konrad Viltersten's user avatar
-5 votes
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Automatic change of formatting while we answer [closed]

Whenever I give answers to the questions, my original format of the answer is not maintained. It is changed to all continuous statements all line by lines. So it becomes very clumsy for the reader, ...
Harshad Amichand Vegda's user avatar
1 vote
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Always display vote split

Since I made it to 1k reputation (yay!), I can now see the vote split by clicking on the current vote status of a question or answer. Is there any way so that I can always see these when I am logged ...
pulsejet's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Can I get notified when my comment is deleted

Two days ago I replied to a comment (under my own question, which happened to be closed later). To my surprise my last comment was seemingly deleted by an admin. The comment was acceptable, as I ...
Déjà vu's user avatar
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How can I create just an answer without a question (blog)?

I know this is a question answer forum, but the last 2 years I've been building three systems (2 computers, old and new, running dolphin and a XPenology NAS) and found some very interesting facts. ...
Quispie's user avatar
  • 151
-2 votes
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Feature Request- adding "date tags"

There are many questions that have never been answered as they have been stomped on by newer questions. There are also questions where the user has got an answer but it didn't work for him. My ...
Roke's user avatar
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5 votes
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Sorting Questions by Most Views and Filtering

A few questions about sorting and filtering: Is it possible to sort questions by the number of views (not votes)? How? Can I combine sorting (by votes, views) with filters (unanswered, featured)? How?...
Fit Nerd's user avatar
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4 votes
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Failed audit trying to report apparent bug in review queue

I opened up the SU 'First Posts' review queue just now and was presented with a nicely detailed answer to this question, about whether hibernation would damage RAM. The quirk was, the ID of the ...
hBy2Py's user avatar
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How to manually move a comment conversation to a chat?

Is it possible to manually move a discussion in comments to a chat room? I just got the usual message that I should move the conversation to a chat. Please avoid extended discussions in comments. ...
Samir's user avatar
  • 21k
3 votes
2 answers

How can I completely hide all questions with a certain tag?

Now that Windows 8 is out, my questions feed is overrun with Windows 8 questions. At this moment in time, 31 out of the 50 questions on the main page are about Windows 8. I've got no experience with ...
Richard's user avatar
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8 votes
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Do I get email notifications for favorited questions? [duplicate]

I would like to track questions which I don't have anything to contribute to.
Orion751's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is it possible to paste an image from the clipboard into a question or an answer?

When asking a question involving system message boxes I try to insert an image of the message box in the body of the question, instead of just quoting a long message (example). However, the process ...
ysap's user avatar
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2 answers

Please show close votes state for questioner

I would like to see how many close/reopen votes my question currently has. The ratiocination is such that I can decide how much effort I'm going to put into it, how many people think the same as the ...
Johannes Schaub - litb's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

What does it take to gain reputation on

I've asked a couple of questions. I've answered a couple. But my rep is still at 1. What gives? I'd like to start commenting and up voting. And why doesn't rep span all the sites?
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