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Questions tagged [status-completed]

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1 answer

The tag [windows-virtual-pc] should be merged with [virtual-pc]

I noticed that there are two tags for Microsoft Virtual PC, of which one is virtual-pc (327 questions) and the other is windows-virtual-pc (7 questions). Windows Virtual PC is referring to a specific ...
gparyani's user avatar
  • 1,851
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Merge [pen-tablet] into [graphics-tablet]

Both pen-tablet and graphics-tablet appear to describe a computer input device that enables a user to hand-draw images and graphics. (source) Since we don't need two tags describing the exact same ...
nc4pk's user avatar
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What do we do about [web-conference], [conference] and [video-conferencing]?

I've found a set of conference-related tags, here are the retags I have already did: Retagged 4 questions from conferencing to conference. 1, 2, 3, 4 Retagged 2 questions from teleconference to ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
2 votes
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Markdown formatting of tag wiki excerpts in /review

Tag wiki excerpts are plain text. The description when editing tag wikis states: The tag wiki excerpt is a brief plain text introduction to the topic that the tag represents. It is shown at the top ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
  • 111k
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Many questions tagged "ide" should be tagged "pata"

Many of the questions currently tagged "ide" should actually be tagged "pata". ide is for integrated development environments, rather than Integrated Drive Electronics.
Mechanical snail's user avatar
2 votes
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SU Retag Request: [*filter(ing)] --> [filter(ing)]

filter filtering web-filtering spam-filtering traffic-fitering The above listed questions may benefit from splitting the tags apart and housing them under filter or filtering. What do you ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
2 votes
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New Tag Request: "IIS-8.5"

We have a tags for "IIS", "IIS-7.5", and "IIS", but not for "IIS-8.5". IIS 8.5 is included in Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1.
Beems's user avatar
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Reopen request 855983

I've now fixed the title of my question so it is in line with the topic of home networking: Can a home PPPoE connection access all websites, regardless of the site infrastructure's MTU settings? ...
SilverlightFox's user avatar
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Split the [manual] tag

manual usage is evenly divided between people referring to documentation and people referring to doing things by hand. Recommend splitting it into two tags that each have a consistent meaning. ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
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Clear up the [clear] tag

clear is another undefined tag that is used is multiple ways: the "Clear" command in a number of command languages To empty various lists like history, cache, or cookies Clear (TM) brand hardware to ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
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Un-referencing the [reference] tag

It only has 7 questions, but I can't imagine reference is specific enough to be useful. I didn't want to just clear this out without asking others if it could be useful.
Raystafarian's user avatar
  • 21.9k
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SuperUser accounts exclusion

Why is superuser not showing up in my profile under accounts? I have 3 StackExchange accounts, and ran into some trouble with this one after attempting to create the account 3 times when the first ...
Code Monkey's user avatar
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Login using OpenID delegate fails

I just tried to login on another computer using my OpenID provider. I use the delegate feature that lets me specify a URL, e.g., and the document at that URL ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
  • 111k
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Another metatag to remove [toggle] [closed]

Trogdor? Please burninate the tag toggle.
Nifle's user avatar
  • 34.8k
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Merge the tag "test" with the tag "testing"

It seems that test and testing should be set as synonyms.
user avatar
1 vote
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Recommendation tag synonym of Recommendations

The tags recommendation and recommendations seem to be synonyms. Unfortunately I do not have the required score in these tags to propose a synonym. I figured this was the next best thing :)
corsiKa's user avatar
  • 981
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2 answers

Edited my profile and system is refusing my email

So, today I tried to edit some settings(name, website and description) of my superuser profile(and consequently all another stackexchange accounts)... Everything goes OK but when I tried to save, it ...
Diogo's user avatar
  • 30.7k
1 vote
1 answer

Rename [tag:ds-store] to [tag:.ds-store]

ds-store should be renamed to .ds-store
kinokijuf's user avatar
  • 8,315
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Removing the [unlock] tag

The unlock tag seems to meet all the criteria for a tag that should be removed - per the recent tag-cleanup initiative: If the tag falls into any of these categories, it should probably be removed ...
J0e3gan's user avatar
  • 319
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Tag for removal - heater

heater - Stupid tag used by a single closed question. I think we can safely get rid of it.
Karan's user avatar
  • 56.9k
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Make timetracking a synonym of the time-tracking tag

I think tags time-tracking and timetracking should be synonyms because their difference is only hyphen
RiaD's user avatar
  • 475
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Deletion of several tags

I believe the following tags should be deleted since there are no questions that use them. data-explorer interesting-tags limits scraping
LDC3's user avatar
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Request: Make "fireworks" and "adobe-fireworks" synonyms

Please make fireworks and adobe-fireworks synonyms.
user avatar
1 vote
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Incorrect parsing of html in the community bulletin

It appears that the community bulletin isn't correctly parsing html: Using IE 10 on a Win 7 Enterprise
James Mertz's user avatar
  • 26.5k
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What to do with a deleted answer?

How do I go about dealing with a moderator-deleted answer? In my case, I had posted what was a request for clarification of the question as an answer, since I only had less than 50 rep on the main ...
éclairevoyant's user avatar
1 vote
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Question 456314 re-open request

I'm requesting to reopen this question: Why can't I copy the text from a PDF? There was a surprising solution found that nobody could have thought of.
Rookie's user avatar
  • 1,233
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Requesting rep recalc

Can any of the mods please do a rep recalc on my account ? There's a rep difference of about 500 points between the rep on my current profile and the /reputation report, and I'd rather get it down now ...
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
  • 62.1k
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Document or shred [manual]?

manual is an undefined tag that originally had 20-some motley questions. I cleaned up the ones where the tag was just decoration, or should have been a more accurate existing tag, like [command-line] ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
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2 answers

there is no telegram tag

I was going to ask some question about telegram app and I noticed that there is no telegram related tag! Please add "telegram" and telegram related (such as telegram-desktop and such) tags.
Amir Hossein Baghernezad's user avatar
1 vote
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Bad name for [modern-ui] tag

modern-ui was AFAIK never the official name from Microsoft. It was always either knows by the codename “Metro”, by the internally used name “Immersive” or by the moniker “Windows Store apps” Request: ...
kinokijuf's user avatar
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Retagging [find][replace] questions with [find-and-replace]

Please retag questions tagged with findreplacement with the find-and-replace tag. I know I could do it myself, manually, but I thought it would be better to post about it here on meta first. I've ...
tempy's user avatar
  • 283
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Retag request X and x11

Please merge tags x, x11 and xorg See Daniel Beck’s comment. They seem to refer to the same thing.
kinokijuf's user avatar
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superuser rss feed not displaying on Windows7 gadget [closed]

Hi, I searched around superuser and could not find similar question. Many users have problem to "display the gadget", but my problem is that the gadget showed up properly, but only few of my feeds ...
Patrick's user avatar
  • 1,989
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Why has a question's post notice been added to an answer?

I just noticed that an answer has a post notice that says "we're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context...". Why would an answer have answers? It doesn't make sense to me. ...
gparyani's user avatar
  • 1,851
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Reopening my question about destroying file contents

I rewrote my question How to destroy file contents without deleting files. I believe now it's not asking for the shopping advice. Is there anything I can do to the question so that it is no longer off-...
Mike's user avatar
  • 223
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1 answer

SU Retag Request: [internet] <-> [networking] <-> [connection]

We might want to consider migrating between the similar and perhaps duplicate tags: web internet networking (I proposed network -> networking here) connection All questions of internet could be ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
0 votes
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Merge [xbox] and [xbox360]

Can we merge xbox and xbox360? I think all of the questions tagged with xbox refer to Xbox 360.
tempy's user avatar
  • 283
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Tag cleanup: Delete / merge [function] tag

function has no description, but it has cc 130 questions. In most of the cases it's used as synonym of worksheet-function (with or without it), and sometimes referring to functions in scripts or ...
Máté Juhász's user avatar
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SSL Error - chrome

For the past two days chrome is giving me this warning when I login to superuser
Shekhar's user avatar
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Non-duplicate is marked as duplicate

This question How can I export & import firefox addons settings is marked as duplicate of this Software to export firefox addons but it is not, maybe it should be unmarked?
That Brazilian Guy's user avatar
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Why was this question put on hold?

Yesterday, I had asked this question: What features are available in Windows 8 Single Language? It instantly gathered a lot of downvotes, and later was put on hold, citing: "This question is not ...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar
0 votes
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Make [blue-ray] a synonym of [blu-ray] and [bluray]

bluray is already a synonym of blu-ray, so why not make blue-ray a synonym as well? (Hope no-one creates blueray!)
Karan's user avatar
  • 56.9k
-1 votes
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Reopen Closed Question (reason for closing : Off Topic)

I posted the following question on Super User : However this is not the original question , the original question seemed ...
Varun Jain's user avatar
-1 votes
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Sudden Loss of Reputation [closed]

A minute ago I reached 1,512 in 5 minutes from 1,474. Now i am back to 1,474 in just 5 minutes. How is this possible . Please any moderator tell me where I lost my rep. What is happening. Ed: I ...
subanki's user avatar
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Why this question is closed as off-topic?

I know the what questions are on topic, but I fail to understand, why asking about pdf-viewing has fallen out? I did not ask about shopping recommendation. I express disappointment that 5 people did ...
Adam Ryczkowski's user avatar
-3 votes
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Reopen this. It's not localized

How to install a program that self-downloads from the web, from behind a corporate firewall? There are gazillions of people trying to make things work behind a corporate proxy. Why on earth is ...
George Katsanos's user avatar
-3 votes
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Why was this question plus answer closed?

IE10 unexpectedly sends a HEAD request for PDF. What has changed? I had a genuine problem. I am not the only one. While I researched the question, which was not obvious, I came upon the solution. I ...
mplungjan's user avatar
  • 427
-3 votes
2 answers

Dynamic display of comments and answers on the site

Wouldn't it be nice if AJAX be used to dynamically display the comments on and the answers to ones question?
yati sagade's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Request for bounty on this question about common MS Outlook 2013 problem?

I apologise if this request offends or wounds anyone. For the past several months, I've failed to find an answer or resolution to this Outlook 2013 problem: How to exclude notifications for all junk ...
user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Re-opening my question on ebook managment tools

My question: Ebook management: how to catalog/access files in their original location I believe my question can be reopened with probably some minor modifications.
prusswan's user avatar
  • 336

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