Re-migrate or unlock question
The question has been unlocked so that the community can vote on whether it should be reopened.
As it stands though the question could do with some cleanup to break up the Great Wall of Text and care ...
- 94.8k
Re-migrate or unlock question
When a question is migrated and then closed or deleted on the target site, the migration is considered "rejected." That causes the target site's copy to be locked and the source site's copy to be ...
Re-migrate or unlock question
Accidentally left a small form factor PC in ~100F (37c) temperature for several hours - is it safe to use? was closed as primarily opinion based. In a discussion about this with user.dz he remarked:
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
Related Tags
locked × 8discussion × 6
specific-question × 2
moderation × 2
deleted-questions × 2
support × 1
bug × 1
closed-questions × 1
editing × 1
reopen-request × 1
comments × 1
migration × 1
community-wiki × 1
post-notice × 1