Do we really need multiple [ubuntu]s?
I would argue that the version is actually often important - there have been significant changes through the versions and I certainly would not expect any but the most generic (as in, "would apply to ...
Do we really need multiple [ubuntu]s?
Ubuntu versions don't differ much.
I am by far not an Ubuntu expert and even I know that there are significant differences between a Ubuntu version released in 2009 and one released in 2019.
Do we really need multiple [ubuntu]s?
Perhaps we don't need a tag for every single version, but I agree that over time, there have been significant changes that justify some type of differentiation. But there's another key difference ...
Do we really need multiple [ubuntu]s?
I would say that we absolutely don't need so many version tags. I would argue that all we need is ubuntu and then the version can be mentioned in the body of the question. Yes, there are difference ...
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