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Ben N's user avatar
Ben N's user avatar
Ben N
  • Member for 10 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
37 votes

2017 Community Moderator Election Results

33 votes

Two long answers disagreeing with each other - how to canonicalize?

30 votes

Old questions - system discourages answering them?

25 votes

Why does the Community user mark questions as duplicates?

23 votes

2017 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

23 votes

What do a writer, taxi, and horse have in common?

19 votes

How do I find out if I belong in SU?

18 votes

Can someone write another answer for our canonical malware question?

17 votes

Time to change [pop] flavor(s)

15 votes

What to do with same answers to different questions by the same user?

14 votes

Should we be copying other Stack Exchange sites Q&As so we can create "canonical" Q&As here?

14 votes

2017 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

14 votes

Why might 50% of reviewers consider this as content that should be deleted?

14 votes

Did I create, then fail my own review audit?

13 votes

Why is this 6 year old user account in the Late Answer queue?

12 votes

Are hypothetical questions okay, or do I need to have an actual problem?

12 votes

How Could I Have Improved My Question To Avoid Getting Downvoted?

12 votes

Approving edit proposals - am I too strict?

11 votes

Does [bricked] need to be bricked?

11 votes

Inappropriate opinion-based closings

10 votes

What's happening when I try a search on the number of comments?

10 votes

Have I been penalized for an answer 1 moderator didn't like?

10 votes

Am I allowed to offer a cash bounty?

10 votes

Undelete an answer on a closed post that was deleted before it was closed

9 votes

Parsing out what you do versus what you say you do

9 votes

How do certain questions on superuser get 1k+ views?

9 votes

What's our threshold for profanity in comments?

9 votes

Show your Excel results

9 votes

What is sufficient 'context' for an incidental/additional info link?

9 votes

Can a Q&A be too minor?

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