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Questions tagged [closed-questions]

Anything about questions that were closed by community or a moderator

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5 votes
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What are the restrictions on closed questions?

Let's say A is somebody that asked a question. B is somebody that gave an answer. C is somebody that didn't. The question gets closed. Presumably, C cannot post an answer. A can comment. Can B or ...
barlop's user avatar
  • 24.7k
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Does having the same answer as another question automatically make a question a duplicate?

I'm thoroughly confused regarding the the closing of: How to fix wsl2 not opening graphical apps? by a single gold-badge as a duplicate of: How to skip update to Windows 11 on Windows insider program? ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
  • 25.6k
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Question closed as dup but link to duplicate is a dead link

In such a case should the question be reopened? I am especially referring to this question here. You'll find that the question that's supposedly a duplication refers to a 404 page not found -- a dead ...
greatwolf's user avatar
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What does "too localized" really entail?

Having just received the ability to vote-to-close questions I have seen the option of "Too localized". At what point is the question deemed to be too localized? I personally have asked questions ...
James Mertz's user avatar
  • 26.5k
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Was this question closed because a new user made an (easily correctable) Markdown formatting mistake and (correctable, ESL) grammar?

WSL2 duplicated terminal was Mod-closed as "Needs clarity or details", but even as originally written it was (again) quite understandable to me. It definitely had two problems: The new ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
  • 25.6k
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{merged} or {closed} markers for merged questions

I had to use {x} in the title, because I'm not allowed to use [x] (especially not [closed]): Oops! Your question couldn't be submitted because: title can't include the closed marker. title contains ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
  • 111k
4 votes
1 answer

Why was my post about Windows 3.1 icons found in Windows 7 placed on hold?

I have a question about my Super User post: Why are there Windows 3.1 icons in Windows 7? I recently posted a question about icons I had located in C:\Windows\System32\MorIcons.Dll. Almost as soon as ...
Bryson Shier's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Please show close votes state for questioner

I would like to see how many close/reopen votes my question currently has. The ratiocination is such that I can decide how much effort I'm going to put into it, how many people think the same as the ...
Johannes Schaub - litb's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to accept answers in closed questions?

Out of curiosity (since I don't have any closed questions), is it possible to accept answers on closed questions?
Albin's user avatar
  • 11.3k
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Why my question was closed?

I'm referring to this one. The reason was "Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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When people select different close reasons, what will the final reason displayed be?

Just wanted to know, when different people select different reasons to close a question, what's the reason finally displayed? Is it the one that received the first close vote? What happens for ...
Karan's user avatar
  • 56.9k
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If (see body for link) was too localised, where can I ask such a question and get useful answers?

I asked this question earlier today, but it was closed as being too localised. That's fine, I guess. However, where can I ask such a question?
Peter Mounce's user avatar
4 votes
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Why was this question about computer monitors closed?

Question: What size HD widescreen monitor would I need to buy to match my 19" monitor? I asked a question a few weeks ago to help me understand how to find a widescreen computer monitor to match ...
Ben McCormack's user avatar
4 votes
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Answering a question you previously voted to close

This question was recently posted, asking very ambiguously about the Windows 7 SP1 RC. I voted to close it as "not a real question", since it was just asking for comments on whether anybody had tried ...
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.5k
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Clarification regarding Question Closure as Off Topic

I have a question about my Super User post: dnSpy: What do included reference assemblies affect? This question was closed as off topic, it was asked in reference to dnSpy and how it recompiles DLLs. ...
Gumpf's user avatar
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Creating word games

Can someone please explain the controversy over my closed question? I followed the FAQ to the letter. Random's comment: Do something and then ask as question about it. Current format is polling/list ...
wizlog's user avatar
  • 13.5k
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"How to obtain a Laptop without hidden surprises" - suggestions improving the question

How to obtain a Laptop without hidden surprises was closed within minutes of posting with the stated reason: Questions seeking for hardware shopping recommendations are off-topic because they are ...
Zsar's user avatar
  • 345
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Should we reopen #693440 and #617327?

This is not a reopen request, I want to discuss my view on those duplicates. Why does an exe file not appear as ones and zeros in a text editor such as Notepad? is a theoretical question. OP doesn't ...
gronostaj's user avatar
  • 57.9k
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Migrate previously closed question to Gaming?

Now that exists, can we migrate questions that were previously closed as off-topic because they are related to gaming to it? Specifically, I'd like to move this ...
Jed Daniels's user avatar
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Does closed questions without an answer count against my accept rate?

If I ask a question that for example is closed as a duplicate before anyone has answered it I won't be able to accept an answer (obviously). Will that question then count against my accept rate, since ...
Svish's user avatar
  • 40.6k
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Chrome 'backspace key navigation re-enable' question dupe closure should probably be the other way around

How can I re-enable backspace navigation in Chrome? (2016-06-04, 6006+ views) is currently closed as a duplicate of Re-enabling backspace as "go back" in recent Chrome (2016-08-09, 630+ ...
galacticninja's user avatar
4 votes
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I have an answer for my "too broad" keyboard question that was closed yesterday - shall we re-open it, or forget it?

So my question What could have caused the * key on my numeric keypad to stop working in Windows 7? got deleted yesterday as too broad. I just voted to undelete it today, because I figured out the ...
Dronz's user avatar
  • 143
3 votes
3 answers

Why was my question closed (351486)?

My question was closed due to it being "Not constructive". Now, I hate to be the one whining and stuff, but I really think the reason for closing the question is kinda.. odd. As far as I can tell, ...
Marcus Hansson's user avatar
3 votes
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2 diamond moderators closed a post

How did this question get closed by two diamond moderators? I was under the impression that a single diamond moderator vote to close immediately closed the question.
cpast's user avatar
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My question has been put on hold citing a rule that I think I haven't broken. Is there any way to appeal the decision?

I have asked a question on Super User a few days ago. As it is common on the StackExchange family, it's quite an obscure, but very specific scenario, and I think unopinionated, objective answers exist ...
Dániel Kis-Nagy's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why was this question (356778) closed?

Can data tapes be recorded/played on a standard cassette recorder? was closed as off-topic. I can see why someone would think that this is about a tape recorder ("electronic devices") but in the FAQ ...
Nate Koppenhaver's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

WordPress software questions on SuperUser.

I have recently had a question regarding my WordPress based blog closed. The closing comment says, "Questions on Super User are expected to generally relate to computer software or computer hardware ...
ProfK's user avatar
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Why is the general off-topic close reason when closed by a moderator slightly shorter than when closed by the community?

I noticed a discrepancy in the general off-topic close reason (when the question is not about computer hardware or software within the scope defined in the help center). When the question is closed by ...
gparyani's user avatar
  • 1,851
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Why was my question about "Intentions and security risks of AIM bots" closed?

I've recently made a question at SuperUser about the intentions and security risks of AIM bots and it was downvoted and closed as Not a real question. I've browsed the site guidelines and I'm not ...
Álvaro González's user avatar
3 votes
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Why was “What programming languages can I assume on a random Linux server by default?” closed?

Why was What programming languages can I assume on a random Linux server by default? closed? The close reason is too broad, but I don't understand what makes it too broad. I'm confident that my four-...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

saving streaming video played in web browser is off-topic on superuser?

I really want to save this video as I love the show but I have some troubles with their fast English ... so ... I asked here any-idea-how-to-save-video-from-this-site and the question was closed as ...
Radek's user avatar
  • 3,114
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Why was my question closed?

My question was closed due to being "off topic". But I am curious how my question is different than many other question out there that exist regarding Excel, Access, R, etc were a SuperUser is asking ...
daniellopez46's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is this question about a web service not moved to Web Apps SE?

Where to find Google Cloud security notification Google Cloud is clearly a web service/application. This is a good question that quickly got 2 answers. I don't see anything that would get it rejected ...
Destroy666's user avatar
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My question incorrectly marked as duplicate

recently I asked a question here WiFi keeps reconnecting when ICS is active on Windows 10 and its been marked as a dupe by mistake cause even though it has a lot of similarity to USB WiFi Adapter ...
poqdavid's user avatar
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Question closed because I don't know what commands I can use on this case

I have a question about my Super User post being deleted: Need a command to find and move (and mix) subfolders (and its content) to another subfolder on the same parent folder, all matching specific ...
Learntofish's user avatar
3 votes
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How is this question primarily opinion-based?

I just noticed that the question When unplugging a USB external hard drive, is it safer to unplug the cable from the computer, or from the external hard drive? had been closed as "primarily opinion-...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
3 votes
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Complain - moderator edited my question so that it became duplicated then closed it

I have asked a question about how to draw lines without antialiasing in Photoshop. My goal was just to draw straight lines without antialiasing and nothing more (or less). First a moderator asked "...
Suzan Cioc's user avatar
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Question incorrectly marked as duplicate

I recently asked, which was closed by a moderator, stating that it's duplicate of Google Chrome view saved form data. I ...
BlueBerry - Vignesh4303's user avatar
3 votes
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Request to reopen question 461022

I've made drastic changes to this closed question How does the CPU and GPU interact in displaying computer graphics?. Since it was a quite popular one with more than 300 views in just a couple of ...
JohnnyFromBF's user avatar
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Could someone review my post regarding product data?

I have a question about my Super User post: How does the WD_BLACK SN770 2TB connected to PCI 3.0 NVMe 1.3 compare to the Samsung EVO 970 Plus 2TB SSD? Heat, power at idle, speed at 80% full? I'm not ...
jzyxz's user avatar
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What's unclear about this question on how to configure Acrobat so that it runs an Acrobat Javascript script whenever a PDF is opened?

I asked the question: I wrote an Acrobat Javascript script. How can I configure Acrobat so that it runs a Acrobat Javascript script whenever a PDF is opened in Acrobat? It was closed as "needs ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Not sure why closed as "opinion based"

I have a question about my Super User post: ACPI thermal zone driver in Windows 10. Not always available My post has factual information we have found and possibility of factual answers to the ...
DaveDev's user avatar
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Asking detailed and varient of an old(9 years) closed question

I have come across a problem which was already asked here in a very general way in 2010. That question was closed citing as overly broad, vague, ambiguous etc. Now, I have tried many things on this ...
Chief A's user avatar
  • 125
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Question on hold not notified

One of my questions was put on-hold, yet I wasn't notified. Is this the expected behavior?
Gaurav Joseph's user avatar
3 votes
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How to handle questions closed as duplicates, when the duplicate has been closed and deleted? [duplicate]

I came across How should I dispose of all of this old hardware?, which was posted in July 2011 and closed after about an hour and a half, with two answers posted. That question is closed as a ...
user's user avatar
  • 30.2k
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How to reopen a question?

If a question is closed but then later the edited, how do you go about re-opening it? I came across Unable to open Outlook 2010 on Windows 7 in one of the review queues. Originally, the question was ...
Wes Sayeed's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why was my question on RTF editing problems on linux closed?

I asked a question about a specific problem with RTF editing on linux with details about what I tried and observed, but my question was closed as off-topic. How can I edit huge RTF files produced by ...
Bogatyr's user avatar
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2 votes
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why is my question closed?

Why was this question closed: ? Please reopen it since it hasn't been fixed yet.
jao's user avatar
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How is this question off topic? The purpose of Super User is for asking for help on the topic of hardware issues or software issues. Last I ...
Registered User's user avatar
2 votes
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Downvoting a Closed Thread?

This is more of a overall StackExchange question than anything else, but it springs to mind that users can downvote a question that has been closed. Why is this the case? If a thread was closed for ...
Addison Crump's user avatar