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Are consumer features of fingerprint biometric scanners on-topic?

My question about fingerprint biometric scanner was migrated to IT Security. I think I made it clear that the question is about consumer features of these devices, e.g. speed of detection, reliability,...
haimg's user avatar
  • 23k
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How to ask a question which is similar to other questions but not exactly similar

I find many questions which are similar to my question but not exactly what i want to ask. Some people feel it duplicate so they vote down or sometimes it leads closing a question. I can edit a ...
Amit Kumar Gupta's user avatar
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Merging Stack Exchange Accounts

How do I merge my Stack Exchange accounts, or more accurately – how can I use the same profile on and here (Super User), as well as probably other sites in the 'family' ...
HaydnWVN's user avatar
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Are there any applications that allow us to ask/answer stack exchange questions from the desktop?

I am looking for an application that acts as a stack exchange client, typically on the desktop. Features: Can ask/edit questions Can answer questions Can comment Supports MathJax Nice to have's: ...
Sklivvz's user avatar
  • 171
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Why my question was closed?

I'm referring to this one. The reason was "Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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Are questions on the form "will hardware component X work in my system?" really seeking "hardware shopping recommendations"?

I came across the question Will my PSU 450w be able to handle?, but I have seen this in many other cases as well. The basic form is that someone comes along, lists their system specs, and asks about ...
user's user avatar
  • 30.2k
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Question about hardware is closed as off topic

I asked a question about computer hardware. I looked through the section about what is considered on topic on this site and I didn't see any problems with my question. However my question was closed ...
gartenriese's user avatar
4 votes
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Asking questions about facebook in superuser [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Official stance on Facebook questions on SU? I wanted to ask a question about facebook in superuser only to discover that almost all questions tagged facebook have been closed....
flybywire's user avatar
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Help center doesn't explain that question about bugs in pre-release software are off-topic

I just used the "Questions about bugs in pre-release/beta software or prototype hardware are off-topic" close reason to vote to close a question. I was looking for somewhere in the Help Center where ...
heavyd's user avatar
  • 64.6k
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What makes a history-tagged question closed?

I love to read about computer history. There are many questions regarding history on SU and a history tag. Some of the questions are closed:
n611x007's user avatar
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A Kindle question closed; why? It's software+hardware... was closed with a message "Questions on Super User are expected to generally relate to computer software or computer hardware in some way". According to the ...
imz -- Ivan Zakharyaschev's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is this question best suited for Superuser instead of Sharepoint SE?

When I saw this question, I flagged it the moderator(s) because I thought (and still think) that it is best suited for Sharepoint SE. However, the flag was denied. My question is simple: why is the ...
Reddy Lutonadio's user avatar
3 votes
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Why was this question (356778) closed?

Can data tapes be recorded/played on a standard cassette recorder? was closed as off-topic. I can see why someone would think that this is about a tape recorder ("electronic devices") but in the FAQ ...
Nate Koppenhaver's user avatar
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Why was my question about "Intentions and security risks of AIM bots" closed?

I've recently made a question at SuperUser about the intentions and security risks of AIM bots and it was downvoted and closed as Not a real question. I've browsed the site guidelines and I'm not ...
Álvaro González's user avatar
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Is "noise or pointless" coming back?

I noticed that many questions closed as noise or pointless were later changed to not constructive; however, today I saw a question with this old status again: Is this intended, or is it a bug?
gparyani's user avatar
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Synchronization of Profiles Between Stack Exchange Webistes

Is there a way that I can easily synchronize my profiles between the Stack Exchange websites? It would be even better if I could just use the same profile across their websites.
Jim Fell's user avatar
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saving streaming video played in web browser is off-topic on superuser?

I really want to save this video as I love the show but I have some troubles with their fast English ... so ... I asked here any-idea-how-to-save-video-from-this-site and the question was closed as ...
Radek's user avatar
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Why can't I see why I got a close vote?

On my latest question, I got a close vote: All I know is that I got a close vote, not why. I'd like to edit my question to prevent from getting more votes, is there a way to tell why I got it?
Jon's user avatar
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What should happen to a question which the OP realised was not necessary?

I came across this question today, where the OP quickly realised their mistake and stated so in the comments, however they haven't deleted the question and no other action has been taken on it (...
3N1GM4's user avatar
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Improvements in the reopening system needed? [closed]

When a question gets closed, it can be asked for reopening, but in my experience that is very hard to happen. Even if after editing it shows again in the main page, the tag "[closed]" acts ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
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Dealing with "Request for Work" type questions

First off, this is what our main closure and off topic dialogs look like at present: SO seems to be tackling "Request for Work" type questions head on as per
Karan's user avatar
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What constitutes a subjective question on Super User?

What constitutes a subjective question on I'm thinking of a RAID setup and want to throw around ideas, is that too subjective?
Celeritas's user avatar
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Why are open-ended questions closed so fast?

Why are "open-ended" question closed so fast when whether a question is open-ended or not is actually subjective? Someone can always come with a rock-solid collection of facts that will make his ...
NeuronQ's user avatar
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Why does this site have comparatively lots of posts for me to review?

Why do I find my review section to have comparatively lots of "Late review" and "First Answers" posts? On stackoverflow (which I believe is much popular than superuser) and android.stackexchange, I ...
Irfan's user avatar
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Why is question 480733 off topic? Would you please explain, why this question is off topic? I think I am a power user making high ...
user63835's user avatar
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Why was my 'statistics' based question closed?

One of my questions: How is UEFI pronounced? was closed because it apparently was primarily opinion based. Know that it had the potential to flagged as such, I specifically worded it to ask for 'most ...
Bennett Yeo's user avatar
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Why was 451805 closed?

Why was this question: closed? I don’t see anthing offtopic with it. It’s about computer software.
kinokijuf's user avatar
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Should the tag wiki for [security] direct people to Information Security Stack Exchange?

Would it be ok to edit the tag wiki of the [security] tag (on the main Super User) to ask people to consider asking the question on our sister site the Information Security Stack Exchange? It appears ...
b_jonas's user avatar
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question closed as exact duplicate, but the referred question appears to be only loosely related

My question was closed as exact duplicate 11 days ago: batch-rename filenames with numbers to sort alphabetically For some reason i did not receive any notification about this, so I noticed it just ...
HugoRune's user avatar
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How can I move my Super User account associated with one Google to another Google account?

I switched my Google account which I used to log me into This currently is my only way to access superuser (old google account). My question is: how can I associate my new account with ...
patrick's user avatar
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What close reason to use for "Unable to Reproduce"?

Stack Overflow has a close reason used when a problem no longer exists. The reason is Unable to Reproduce. Unable to Reproduce covers things like fixing typos and minor mis-configurations. I've ...
jww's user avatar
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Why doesn't my superuser account show up on the network-wide accounts list?

I am using the same Google account to register for Super User as I did for Stack Overflow, Server Fault, and IT security, but my Super User account doesn't show up on my network-wide profile accounts ...
Joe M.'s user avatar
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Delay in notifications

For the second time, i saw what i think to be a bug in superuser(i don't know if it doesn't happens in other SE sites). I can see the title of the page where i am with a "(n)"(by n, i mean a number). ...
SOMN's user avatar
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Why are there only few choices for flagging inappriopriate site of the network?

Only these 5 are available. I feel like some common options are missing, such as, which gets confused a lot because there are a lot of older recommendation ...
Destroy666's user avatar
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Should we have programming added to no-no's in the Tour?

I've just realized that the SuperUser Tour doesn't list programming in the Don't ask about... list. I think we should consider adding it. We have four migration targets for closed questions: Stack ...
gronostaj's user avatar
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Super User not using my SE network profile

Normally when I sign up on a different SE site it uses my existing SE profile... however that doesn't seem to the be case here. Is there any way I can set it to my network profile without having to ...
user avatar
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Question is getting downvotes and a close request Why is that happening? And what can I do to it to ask it again in a more acceptable way?
laggingreflex's user avatar
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Allow migration of suitable hardware questions to the Hardware Recommendations Stack site

There was a site proposed in Area 51 called Hardware Recommendations. It is now in public beta and I think it would be helpful to migrate and redirect users with hardware questions to this site ...
MC10's user avatar
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If a user didn't want to hear opinions, but the answers were primarily opinion-based, would the question be closed?

I'm talking about my question: How far should one go to protect his PC? Closed as primarily opinion-based. But I never wanted to hear opinions, I wanted facts, like "Is FTP safe?", And the fact is "...
Lynob's user avatar
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Should a question be closed if the asker mentions they might end up using other software? [closed]

I posted a question about a particular piece of software, and a user voted to close it, with the reasoning that I intend on trying other software. This is the question in question: Does the free ...
barlop's user avatar
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Should we have closing guidelines with examples?

It would be useful to have some examples of questions that should and shouldn't be closed for specific reasons, with detailed explainations why. It could reduce the number of invalid flags and make ...
gronostaj's user avatar
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What software does Super User use for its voting system?

What software is used for the Q&A voting set up on Super User? I once had a link to a similar software (Photobucket used to use a similar thing) online but have lost it since and can't find it ...
user avatar
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How to get my question answered by sharing the link across stack exchange sites

I posted a question (related to wordpress) at wordpress.stackexchange. How can I share the question across a similar site "Superuser" (it has a tag for wordpress)? Is it possible or not? I want ...
Athiruban's user avatar
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download all questions asked and answers received from a website stackexchange account?

I've got a bunch of questions posted on a given stackexchange site, for example, superuser, and I would like to download/export them in a format that I can store locally in my computer. How can I ...
719016's user avatar
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Is the Platform on Stackexchange generic or be-spoke?

So I was googling something for some advice and came across a site that /has/ a simular styling to what I see on 'Stackexchange'. For example: This site here I know it's a very small similarity, but ...
Phorce's user avatar
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Do association bonuses stack?

If a user gets 200 rep on one stack receives their bonus on a second stack and they then get 200 rep on a third stack, Does the user receive another rep bonus or does it only happen once?
VBwhatnow's user avatar
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Is it possible to send stackExchange questions/answers to ReadItLater, or to browse them when offline from a smartphone?

I frequently stumble upon interesting questions and answers during the day, but don't have time to read them during work. I've setup readItLater with my smartphone, for offline browsing, and synced ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Why is this whatsapp question off-topic?

Delete messages after hours WhatsApp why is this off topic? question text is How can I delete messages for everyone after several hours in WhatsApp?
user avatar
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How does one appeal a close decision due to supposed question duplicate?

How do I 'share' a folder to the public in dropbox? This isn't my question and I fully agree that my answer isn't the best one, but it is very clear to me that @Sathya is incorrect in his ...
NReilingh's user avatar
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My question "Making title attribute of HTML elements display as text instead of as tooltips" was removed as off-topic; where can I ask it?

My question "Making title attribute of HTML elements display as text instead of as tooltips" was removed as off-topic with the explanation that "This question is not about computer ...
WingedKnight's user avatar