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14 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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New functionality: convert close votes

Close votes can be retracted from a question, but after that, no more close votes can be cast on that particular question. I understand that voting and revoking several times would negatively impact ...
Máté Juhász's user avatar
19 votes
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Adding the notification icons to the blog

My home page is the Super User Community Blog When I launch Chrome, I like to read the blog and to see if I have new notifications. Unfortunately, the notification icon are not in the bar, so I must ...
Galabyca's user avatar
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8 votes
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Fully dark theme/mode?

Since the whole network is getting a more consistent theming all across its sites, why not adding a dark theme (/dark mode to the theme), as well? It's not just about the ongoing (mobile) "...
user430836's user avatar
8 votes
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Meta sites should count question scores toward tag scores

Questions don't count towards a user's badge score. This might make sense on the main sites, which thrive primarily through answers contributed by regular users. But those same regular users post ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
  • 111k
6 votes
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Unify the `http-status-codes-nnn` tags under `http-status-codes`

I just asked this question, which I wanted to tag with http-status-codes. However, no such tag exists, and I don't have enough rep to create the tag. I think the tag would nicely unify the existing ...
Asad Saeeduddin's user avatar
4 votes
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Can we convert older (question body format) duplicate notices to the new, not editable duplicate format?

Duplicates used to be handled by the system putting some markup in the question body, like so: > **Possible Duplicate:** > [Title of the Duplicate Question]( <!-- ...
Robotnik's user avatar
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Has it ever been considered to raise the 30K character limit for answers?

Most questions can be comprehensively answered within the confines of 30K characters, however there are the occasional comprehensive answers that could benefit from additional comprehensive info that ...
JW0914's user avatar
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Editing tag wiki excerpt after partial review did not invalidate original votes

Referring to this tag wiki excerpt edit, which was initially longer and worded somewhat differently. I received 1 Accept and 1 Reject citing the reason "Most of this should go in the wiki. The excerpt ...
ADTC's user avatar
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2 votes
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Why spam questions are not removed from the recently changed lists once deleted?

Clicking on x questions with new activity banner to see latest activity I often also see "old" (> 5 min:) ) spam questions still in the list, however the question itself is already removed. Why ...
Máté Juhász's user avatar
2 votes
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Let user specify main tag for a question

I observed that a web page title for questions asked here is generated by the first tag + full question. However the ordering for the tags is fixed once added, unless one removes all tag and re-add ...
dennis97519's user avatar
2 votes
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Can we rename "window" to "gui-window"?

When I was looking around in the windows tag (while waiting for an answer...) I noticed that many people when they were talking about the Windows OS, they tagged it both with windows and window. I do ...
Anonymous Penguin's user avatar
1 vote
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New visitors can add images - should we review it

Is it worth having, within the Review/Tools section (, thumbnails of all images posted to be reviewed. I'm not suggesting the image has to be approved first or not, that'...
Dave's user avatar
  • 25.4k
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Standard Question Guidance

We get a lot of questions that fall into some common themes, like BSOD, network issues, USB issues, flash drive issues, laptop battery/power pack issues, etc. Often, the person will be clueless about ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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Why is there no way to look at progress towards different badges?

Does anyone know why there is no ability to view progress/statistics towards particular badges or just have the overall ability to look at progress for accounts? I feel like this would be very ...
jmreicha's user avatar
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