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Why was this non-opinion question closed as opinion-based?

When this question was first written, it was missing some key details. Thus, one or two people voted it as opinion-based. This made sense, as without those key details, the question could certainly ...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why was this flag declined by a moderator?

This non-answer (previously accessible via is obviously a comment on another answer, and not an actual answer. I flagged it as such while helping our community ...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

My question "Making title attribute of HTML elements display as text instead of as tooltips" was removed as off-topic; where can I ask it?

My question "Making title attribute of HTML elements display as text instead of as tooltips" was removed as off-topic with the explanation that "This question is not about computer ...
WingedKnight's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Why were my flags on a meta answer post and comments containing expletives directed at another user declined?

The author of this answer to a meta post literally told OP to "shut the freak up" (only they didn't say "freak") in both their answer and several comments. (The answer is not ...
galacticninja's user avatar
5 votes
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I flagged an answer as spam, where the user profile contained spam. Why was my flag declined?

My "spam" flag on was declined. Did the moderator not see the username and the profile of the spambot? "Declined - a moderator reviewed your flag,...
user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

We need an 'AI generated' choice for flagging answers

I was reviewing some questions and answers and found that one of the answers is obviously generated by a Generative AI like ChatGPT. These kind of AI-generated answers are increasing, so I believe ...
user67275's user avatar
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18 votes
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ChatGPT - what do we flag as?

How do we best flag [fairly obvious] suspected ChatGPT answers? Do we need to flag for a mod every time, or spam… or…? These are usually already attracting human attention - comments underneath, a ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 50.5k
9 votes
1 answer

Why was my “written by AI” flag declined?

I flagged this answer as AI-written (using a custom flag). The flag was rejected. I firmly believe this is not correct and that this answer (and maybe others) should be removed. The author of this ...
Daniel B's user avatar
  • 64.7k
6 votes
2 answers

What details do you need? Or please stop voting to close as “Needs details or clarity”!

Not only the flag but also the close reason is utterly useless by itself. If you cannot be bothered to leave a comment explaining why you think the question is unclear or which further details are ...
Daniel B's user avatar
  • 64.7k
20 votes
1 answer

Why was my flag on this link-only answer declined?

I flagged this answer as not an answer because it's a link-only answer: My flag was declined as "a moderator reviewed your flag, but found no evidence to support it". According to Shog9's ...
Donald Duck's user avatar
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2 votes
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Why are there only few choices for flagging inappriopriate site of the network?

Only these 5 are available. I feel like some common options are missing, such as, which gets confused a lot because there are a lot of older recommendation ...
Destroy666's user avatar
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1 vote
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What do the different colours of the comment flag mean?

Why do the comment flags have different colours in the screenshot below? what do they mean/indicate? and why do they change colours when the page is reloaded? The answer is not obvious to me, because ...
xypha's user avatar
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2 votes
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What to do with a question about a script for Windows XP that became a list of different types of scripts

How do I set the desktop background on Windows from a script? from 2008 has 8 answers, the OP usercard shows the OP user name but not a link to their profile. It hasn't an accepted answer. none of ...
user avatar
67 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between Super User and Stack Overflow?

I'm trying to understand the difference between Super User and Stack Overflow. What kind of questions should I ask here and not on Stack Overflow?
Sam007's user avatar
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256 votes
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How should my flagging change when I gain the ability to vote to close?

My rep is going to reach 3,000 soon (2,987 at the time of this post), so I should be able to vote to close soon. How should my flagging habits change when I gain this ability? What should I do when ...
bwDraco's user avatar
  • 46.4k
1 vote
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How do I know if my flag was 'helpful'?

If I raise a flag on a question or an answer in a review queue, how do I find the flag was considered helpful later? Are the items marked as 'reviewed' considered as 'helpful'? I raised 79 helpful ...
user67275's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why did my flag get revised?

My flag got revised; not declined just revised meaning I got 11 flags instead of 10 today. It was on this question for it being about software recommendations; I reflagged it.
marbens's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

Post was edited after I flagged for review

Yesterday, I came across an "answer" that was not an answer, so I flagged it as such. Shortly after, it was edited into an actual answer. The flag was declined with the reason "a moderator reviewed ...
Cfinley's user avatar
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4 votes
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Update the spam tag description

When flagging a question, the "spam" radio button has the following explanation: Exists only to promote a product or service, does not disclose the author's affiliation. There are posts ...
choroba's user avatar
  • 19.9k
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Review queue "Late answers" - flag when choice was "recommend deletion"?

When reviewing "Late answers", many of them are not actually answers but comments, other questions and so on (as you can select when saying "recommend deletion"). If I choose to ...
DarkDiamond's user avatar
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24 votes
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Which proper action should be taken to handle this suspicious post?

Recently I see through this question: How to paste text into input fields that block it? There is a late answer includes a link which it looks to be suspicious: From what I read in other site meta ...
Tetsuya Yamamoto's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Why my flag "the answer has nothing to do with the question" was rejected?

The question: "Is there a way to not select whitespace after a word when double-clicking? I flagged this answer with "the answer has nothing to do with the question". I think that is true. The OP ...
CaldeiraG's user avatar
  • 2,625
1 vote
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Why was my flag to stop my bounty rejected?

I placed a +50 bounty on the wrong question: Why can't I change Normal Style's 'Style type'?. When I realised I raised a flag requesting the bounty be stopped (and the reputation ...
user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

When is an answer eligible to be flagged as "not an answer"? What to do?

When I am flagging answers I read This was posted as an answer, but it does not answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether. This is very ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Why was my "not an answer" flag rejected?

I've flagged this answer as not an answer and my flag was rejected. Why? I think that answer was posted as a joke, and it did not attempt to answer the question. Update for those who can't see ...
Máté Juhász's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

A clarification request for declined spam flag

I flagged this post for obvious spam link inserted in the end when posted in Charcoal HQ. Check the first version here. After looking at the user's profile and the link in the end, I flagged it as ...
A J's user avatar
  • 105
12 votes
3 answers

Leaving a comment on non-answers

I have recently seen a non-answer in the First posts review queue that got me thinking: In addition to flagging as NAA, should I also leave the new user a comment, explaining that answer posts are ...
Nathan.Eilisha Shiraini's user avatar
20 votes
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Should I handle rude fragments myself? or is it better to get moderator involved?

I flagged a question as rude because of Edit: whoever downvoted this question is a [rude part here]. Note: the question wasn't rude as a whole, only this one sentence was. One of the moderators ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
9 votes
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Purpose of "very low quality" flag of questions

I've recently flagged this question as very low quality. The question for those can't see deleted posts: WHis has a to be My media monkey broke and said “WHis has a to be”. I tried destroying ...
Máté Juhász's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Question in close queue is marked as duplicate, but the duplicate is terrible!

Recently I was looking through the close votes review queue when I came across this question, and it was flagged as a duplicate of this question. These two questions really are exact duplicates of ...
Wes Sayeed's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

What should I have done with this spammy answer?

I flagged this answer (now deleted, so I can't repost its whole text) as spam. I was later greeted by this message in my flagging history: declined - a moderator reviewed your flag, but found no ...
Ben N's user avatar
  • 41.7k
10 votes
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Why my "too broad" flag was declined in this question?

How to better secure vagrant virtual machines and delete vagrant user This post asks 2 questions at the same time: Is there a better way to do this with a first-and-one-time vagrant up command? Is ...
Vylix's user avatar
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16 votes
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Flagging a user

I have just flagged a post on Super User only to see the user was spamming about six posts. I flagged each, only to stumble upon another user doing the same thing. I flagged each post, but I was ...
Matthew Williams's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

What's wrong with my NAA flag, if the answer is now deleted?

How to force a specific software to use proxy? I flagged an answer as NAA, and my flag was declined: flags should not be used to indicate technical inaccuracies, or an altogether wrong answer ...
Vylix's user avatar
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Should I flag questions as off-topic if they are already upvoted and answered?

I've just now found this question: Note taking softwares with fast searching?, which is already upvoted and answered. For me it's off topic as looking for software recommendation, should I flag it, or ...
Máté Juhász's user avatar
23 votes
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I am getting a “You are currently banned from flagging…” message but no clear end for this ban is given

Title says it all. I went to flag something as SPAM on the main Super User site recently and got a message (see screenshot below) that states, “You are currently banned from flagging…” Okay, fair ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
  • 56.8k
9 votes
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Could a special case of "hardware recommendation" be on-topic?

First time on Meta :) My question is triggered by: What is the practical advantage of a higher refresh rate and what should I be looking for when looking for a monitor for FPS gaming? This is a ...
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why am I able to flag my own questions?

I just noticed that I (as everyone else) can flag my own questions. There are fewer options (no "spam", "rude or abusive" nor "very low quality") to choose, but it's still possible to flag your own ...
francescop21's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Should a very old question asking for software recomendations be flagged?

The question mentioned is five years old, has no votes, and has three answers. Does its age preclude it from being flagged as a software-rec, or should it still be flagged?
Matt Walck's user avatar
13 votes
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What to do with same answers to different questions by the same user?

Not sure if this has already been discussed here, so here it goes. Often, when reviewing the Late Answers queue, I run into some answers that seem to be posted many times by the same user I ...
nKn's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why is this question best suited for Superuser instead of Sharepoint SE?

When I saw this question, I flagged it the moderator(s) because I thought (and still think) that it is best suited for Sharepoint SE. However, the flag was denied. My question is simple: why is the ...
Reddy Lutonadio's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I get feedback as to why my question was flagged and closed?

I posted a question which was flagged as off topic and then closed. Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they become outdated quickly and ...
user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Why was NAA flag on link-only answer declined?

I just flagged this answer:      Text: Have a look at this article: Unicode Easy Keyboard Layout for XKB as “not an answer” because it is a textbook1 example of a link-only answer.  What’s ...
G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica''s user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Old "link-only answers" by a former moderator

When I report answers (new or old) that point to a link instead of answering the question on Super User, they get deleted or edited to reflect our policies. However, I've tried to report this answer, ...
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

A "not relevant" flag on a comment suggesting a question improvement where the improvement was rolled into the question was declined. Why?

First off, though my search-fu is strong, I haven't been able to discern if declined flag queries belong on child metas or the main meta. I'm trying here first. I just had a "not relevant" flag ...
robinCTS's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Super User in Portuguese

As you may know, Stack Overflow in Portuguese is a huge success. Now, it is time to expand the idea and get our hands at the Super User in Portuguese, right now on Area 51. Stack Exchange team has a ...
Victor Stafusa's user avatar
-14 votes
3 answers

What is with these invalid flags?

Two of my recent flags were marked as invalid, but I have no idea why. The first one was a duplicate post, only 4 questions below, and was not only closed, but deleted. I flagged it as "Dual post, ...
KCotreau's user avatar
  • 25.6k
2 votes
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Super User not using my SE network profile

Normally when I sign up on a different SE site it uses my existing SE profile... however that doesn't seem to the be case here. Is there any way I can set it to my network profile without having to ...
user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

How to Report Cyclic Flagging?

This question is flagged as a duplicate of this question. However, that 2nd question is also flagged as a duplicate of the first. How do I bring this to the proper individuals' attention?
SarahofGaia's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Are flags raised for custom reasons handled differently?

So, the good old flag screen: On more than one occasion, I've flagged something that would logically fit under "should be closed (usually for 'not an answer')" using the "in need of moderator ...
Karu's user avatar
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