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Questions tagged [off-topic]

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1 vote
2 answers

My question "Making title attribute of HTML elements display as text instead of as tooltips" was removed as off-topic; where can I ask it?

My question "Making title attribute of HTML elements display as text instead of as tooltips" was removed as off-topic with the explanation that "This question is not about computer ...
11 votes
1 answer

Is there an easy way to find out what this site's on-topic and off-topic questions are?

There is no quick and easy way to find what are the topics of Super User, nor what is off-topic The Gives a very (and too) brief information in its first paragraph as to what is ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Are questions about microcontrollers off topic?

Should we see questions about microcontrollers as inherently off topic or should we allow them? What do you all think?
11 votes
1 answer

Question about Microsoft Outlook behaviour closed on assumption that I should contact Microsoft

I asked this question about an issue I am experiencing with software (Microsoft Outlook). The question was mod-closed under the assumption/reason that I should report the issue to Microsoft or more ...
4 votes
1 answer

Clarification regarding Question Closure as Off Topic

I have a question about my Super User post: dnSpy: What do included reference assemblies affect? This question was closed as off topic, it was asked in reference to dnSpy and how it recompiles DLLs. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why is this whatsapp question off-topic?

Delete messages after hours WhatsApp why is this off topic? question text is How can I delete messages for everyone after several hours in WhatsApp?
7 votes
1 answer

Why is this question about downloading an M3U8 video file off-topic?

I ran across this fairly popular question about downloading an M3U8 file on Windows 10: Downloading m3u8 videos that was closed. I don't spend a lot of time on Super User, but I'm struggling to see ...
1 vote
0 answers

Where does this question belong?

I asked a question about Whatsapp. It wasn't about the mobile version. It's a general question that is relevant to the desktop app as well as the browser version or the mobile app. But someone thought ...
2 votes
1 answer

How is my question about the Windows Registry off-topic?

I've got the question (deleted automatically by Community, only for 10K+ users) ... ...
9 votes
5 answers

Why was I accused of spreading ransomware (and had my question deleted) for asking about stopping a McAfee service?

I asked about how to stop a McAfee antivirus service (where I am an administrator of the computer) in the Super User community. Why was my question deleted as "off topic: not related to hardware/...
2 votes
2 answers

Is it opinion based to ask for reasons for a specific technical decision?

Sorry for another "it-is-so-unfair-that-my-question-was-closed-bwaah" question, but hey, it is what it is, so here goes: Today I submitted a question asking for reasons to equip an external ...
2 votes
1 answer

I'm having issues with a software provider, can I ask here for ways to get them to do what I want them to?

I thought that asking here a way to get Microsoft to delete an account they created without my consent would be relevant, as others might have the same problems. Microsoft is a software-provider and I ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why is my firewall question off-topic?

Question is Block TCP/UDP high-latency connections I thought it clearly fits "personal and home computer networking" category, as listed in Help Center. Other questions on intersection of gaming and ...
0 votes
1 answer

Did my question about keyboard mapping get deleted?

I recall asking a question about keyboard mapping when transitioning from linux to mac a few weeks ago. I did get an answer, but I now cannot find the question. Perhaps I didn't ask it on this forum ...
10 votes
2 answers

Close reason for questions asking for code

Wording of close reasons has changed recently. For questions asking code (e.g. VBA macro) without demonstrating self effort I've voted as "too broad" in the past, however with the new wording I'm ...
4 votes
3 answers

Why was this off-topic (resource recommendation) flag declined?

I flagged this question as off-topic, using the reason "Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they become outdated quickly and attract ...
2 votes
1 answer

Question wrongly marked as off-topic

My question How to download a video embedded in any website? was marked as off-topic because they thought I was asking for a product that can solve my problem, but I clearly ask how to do it manually, ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why is this question about VMware Workstation's Record/Replay feature off-topic?

This is not my question, but it is a question that I possibly could answer: why is the question What versions of VMware Workstation has the “Recording/Replaying VM activity” feature marked off-topic? ...
-2 votes
1 answer

My question was wrongly "put on hold" as "off-topic"

My question is truly clear-cut: Do devices that implement certain machine code instructions (which are an extension to the ARMv8 ISA) exist? (I give instructions for how to check it.) As per the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why do we have the google-calendar tag if we can't ask questions about it here?

I'm just wondering why we have the google-calendar (or any other web application) tag here for superuser when questions on this topic are considered off topic? I recently had my question migrated ...
21 votes
5 answers

Are purely non-technical answers to technical problems on-topic?

I edited this question yesterday as part of a cleanup spree. It had already gotten a fair bit of activity, but someone tweeted a link to it after I edited it, and things really took off. The topic of ...
17 votes
2 answers

Which UPS related questions are on-topic?

My recent question about an APC UPS was closed as off-topic ("This question is not about computer hardware or software, within the scope defined in the help center.") I flagged another UPS-related ...
8 votes
0 answers

Are questions about adblocking on-topic?

Our help says that questions about "websites or web services like Facebook, Twitter, and WordPress" are off topic. What about web browser add-ons, specifically configuring adblockers? We've had ...
14 votes
4 answers

Closure of questions regarding pre-release/beta software

Five years ago, the issue was raised as to whether questions related to problems with beta software are on-topic. The gist of the logic for why they are not is in suggested wording for a custom close ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is my question about Netbeans more suitable for Stack Overflow or SuperUser?

I asked this question yesterday and one of the users pointed out to me that this question may be better for Stack Overflow. I feel that my question involves configuring Netbeans to run assembly code ...
6 votes
3 answers

Why was this question deleted instead of closed?

I've found this question and voted to close it. For those who can't see deleted questions, here is the original text: Which One is Best News Paper App? Because there are so many newspaper ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to delete a wrong post

I posted this off-topic post on Super User. And now I am stuck with it. I can't delete it. Other people see it and downvote which causes me to lose reputation and puts me at risk of being blocked ...
-11 votes
1 answer

Internet Security on Super User

While the topic of Internet security is not listed in what should be asked about, it is also not listed as being off-topic. I think Internet security is worth paying attention to. Recently I posted ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is this question about processor licensing off-topic?

Question in question: CPU Technology Licensing - Why Not? To the best of my understanding, I am asking a question in the right place, per, under the category "...
5 votes
1 answer

Are questions about interfacing with printers on topic?

According to the current consensus on Meta, questions about printers are on topic, even questions concerning the hardware. Also, according to the help, it is OK to ask question concerning smartphones "...
4 votes
1 answer

Are new questions regarding Windows XP on-topic?

Does superuser follow the same policy as askubuntu to mark new questions about "no-longer supported" operating systems as off-topic?
7 votes
2 answers

Is SU the appropriate place to ask how hardware affects code?

Tried to ask a question about the differences between a certain tablet and a desktop computer, for purposes of a certain software. I see differences, and need to understand the source of these ...
2 votes
3 answers

How to deal with the numerous off-topic (business environment) Windows Server questions

We get lots of questions about Windows Server. By their very nature, most of these questions specifically involve a business environment and therefore do not belong on Super User, since both the help ...
19 votes
3 answers

Are Hackintosh questions off topic because of community consensus or just moderation policy?

I was having a discussion with @Gilles lately, whether to allow questions about OS X being virtualized. In essence, the Apple license forbids virtualizing certain products, but the majority of votes ...
5 votes
2 answers

Are relationships/interference between two piece of hardware on topic?

A colleague claims that leaving on cell phone on top of an external conventional platter hard drive could damage the drive. I'm not so sure about that, so I am interested in posting a question on ...
2 votes
1 answer

Question 1080786 on Windows shutdown command flagged off-topic - why?

I'm a bit puzzled as to why my question was flagged off-topic - Schedule a shutdown that can't be easily cancelled. [now edited to remove the context which was about using shutdown with a timer as ...
8 votes
0 answers

How to deal with questions about debugging?

I've met a question asking to debug an Excel formula without providing the necessary details: ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is there a better site for this question?

Wondering if I should move to another site? Or if it belongs here, what I might do to improve it, since it is being ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Possible Piracy - Is it off-topic? [duplicate]

Am I right to flag a question as off-topic if the questioner is asking for a method of circumventing the Terms of Service of a web service even if the service provider does not rigorously enforce the ...
10 votes
3 answers

Was I wrong answering an off-topic question?

It's quite clear to me the reason for establishing rules on any Stack Exchange site. Yesterday, I found this question, which I answered, and once sent, I read JakeGould's comment and realized ...
10 votes
3 answers

Should I flag questions as off-topic if they are already upvoted and answered?

I've just now found this question: Note taking softwares with fast searching?, which is already upvoted and answered. For me it's off topic as looking for software recommendation, should I flag it, or ...
10 votes
1 answer

How to handle off-topic questions with a bounty

Second question that I recall in recent weeks where the question is completely off topic and the OP posted a bounty before it was closed: Select Google music track on Android to play via Nexus Play/...
8 votes
2 answers

Are questions regarding "how to research things on the internet" on-topic

I came across this question: The title seemed innocent enough, but the bulk of the ...
5 votes
3 answers

Add a new off-topic close reason for questions asking for scripts

Recently, I've seen several questions in the close queue that simply ask for a script to be written to perform or automate a particular task. These questions are currently closed as too broad with ...
4 votes
2 answers

Why are the question on linux not considered off topic? [duplicate]

As we already know that Super User is a for computer enthusiasts and power users but we have different sites for Linux questions such as: Unix and Linux - for users of Linux, FreeBSD and other Unix-...
1 vote
2 answers

Is a question about pranks off topic?

I asked this question - My colleague often shuts down my machine through the LAN - how do I prevent it?? regarding one prank by my colleague and the prevention technique, And this comment made me to ...
-6 votes
1 answer

Why is the location of files used by a programme off topic?

I opened a question some days ago that has been closed. At this moment the reason given for the closure is: the question where FreeCiv files need to go on an Android system is off topic here ...
141 votes
3 answers

Is discussion of techniques for removing DRM permitted?

I just asked a question about how to remove DRM from Kindle books that I had purchased and it was promptly closed by the moderator studiohack with the following comment: We don't encourage this ...
3 votes
2 answers

Flag obsolete question for closing

Yesterday, I posted, and today I found that the problem was due to a ...
3 votes
1 answer

product search versus product recommendation

According to the help topic "What topics can I ask about here?", it is not allowed to be "asking for a product, service or learning material recommendation". It seems like this is a general theme ...