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Questions tagged [closed-questions]

Anything about questions that were closed by community or a moderator

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Question put on hold, but why? | Topic: Potential Hardware Solutions to a given problem

I posted for the first time at SU looking for advice on potential solutions to a problem at hand, While it may ...
Islay's user avatar
  • 501
10 votes
2 answers

How to Reopen and Vote to Migrate?

I recently encountered a question in the reopen review queue that had been closed as off-topic (“This question is not about computer hardware or software, within the scope defined in the help center.”)...
Scott - Слава Україні's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

What's wrong with this question?

I received down-votes for this question: Now my understanding is that it is not a question which has readily ...
Anurag Kalia's user avatar
-3 votes
3 answers

My questions were closed as duplicates. How come?

I was going to reinstall Windows on my computer, but I wanted to clarify first some questions I had. So I started searching through I've found answers to my questions but they were ...
x-yuri's user avatar
  • 337
0 votes
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My question was closed for an (in my opinion) incorrect reason

My question was closed a while ago. I forgot to make this post until now, sorry it's so late! Anyway, it was being closed for being primarily opinion-based. However, this was not the case. The ...
Jon's user avatar
  • 9,359
1 vote
2 answers

In what cases do I see a more elaborate off-topic close reason?

In some cases, I see a newly extended off-topic post notice: closed as off-topic by OneUser, TwoUsers, ThreeUsers, FourUsers, FiveUsers This question appears to be off-topic for this site. While what'...
gparyani's user avatar
  • 1,851
4 votes
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Should we reopen #693440 and #617327?

This is not a reopen request, I want to discuss my view on those duplicates. Why does an exe file not appear as ones and zeros in a text editor such as Notepad? is a theoretical question. OP doesn't ...
gronostaj's user avatar
  • 57.9k
3 votes
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Why is the general off-topic close reason when closed by a moderator slightly shorter than when closed by the community?

I noticed a discrepancy in the general off-topic close reason (when the question is not about computer hardware or software within the scope defined in the help center). When the question is closed by ...
gparyani's user avatar
  • 1,851
8 votes
1 answer

Why and When are closed questions deleted?

It seems closed questions are very insecure. Why and When, are closed questions deleted? (Even highly voted well formed closed questions can be deleted). What is the argument that they can't just ...
barlop's user avatar
  • 24.7k
2 votes
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Questions about beta/pre-release software. Why are there still 73 questions tagged [Windows-8.1]?

Questions about bugs in pre-release/beta software or prototype hardware are off-topic. Bugs in pre-release products are common and even expected, and are often fixed before the final version is ...
DanteTheEgregore's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

If a user didn't want to hear opinions, but the answers were primarily opinion-based, would the question be closed?

I'm talking about my question: How far should one go to protect his PC? Closed as primarily opinion-based. But I never wanted to hear opinions, I wanted facts, like "Is FTP safe?", And the fact is "...
Lynob's user avatar
  • 5,510
-1 votes
2 answers

Why was my comparison question closed?

A while back, I asked a question about how the Raspberry Pi compares, but it was closed as "Not Constructive". I don't see how. I'll break it down: As it currently stands, this question is not a ...
Cole Tobin's user avatar
2 votes
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Why offtopic and if truly offtopic then where to ask it?

I asked this question How to determine whether audio is music or not I have read and I am baffled as to why was it put on hold and later closed as OFFTOPIC by ...
Costin Gușă's user avatar
8 votes
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For questions put On Hold, why is "on-hold" included in the URL of the question's title?

When a question is put on hold (i.e., closed for a reason other than duplicate), the title links to a URL that ends with “-on-hold”.  For example, this question (Am trying to connect my laptop LAN ...
Scott - Слава Україні's user avatar
1 vote
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Editing "on hold" question

The question by unregistered user was put on hold with "unclear what you are asking" as reason. ...
Kreiri's user avatar
  • 101
8 votes
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New poly-word closure reasons need punctuation

I applaud the new reasons for closing a question.  But recently I voted to close this question (Reason for Unexpected Shutdown …), and then I went to look at it, and it looked something like this: ...
Scott - Слава Україні's user avatar
0 votes
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Reopening my question about destroying file contents

I rewrote my question How to destroy file contents without deleting files. I believe now it's not asking for the shopping advice. Is there anything I can do to the question so that it is no longer off-...
Mike's user avatar
  • 223
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Appeal of a closed question

This question was closed while I was working on an answer, and now I can't answer it. The person who posted the question revised it, yet it remains closed. This question is a perfectly valid question. ...
user199340's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is "closed as not constructive" sometimes so destructive?

I was looking at the following and I found what I needed and I really wondered and felt actually pity for the guy who asked the question. Flavor of Linux which is ONLY command line (and super light-...
hol's user avatar
  • 143
2 votes
2 answers

Why is 589587 off topic? (Windows 7 64 RAM Drive)

The following question: I'm looking for a (hopefully free) RAM drive utility for Windows 7 64 (one for Vista 64 would ...
Myrddin Emrys's user avatar
1 vote
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Asking about native running software, question closed, no idea why

I'm trying to understand why my question about native running software was closed. A friend said this would be the site for me to ask my question. What does it mean for software to run natively? Why ...
Throsby's user avatar
  • 445
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Why is Deltek off topic? Why was this question considered off-topic? According to the FAQ: ...
Ryan's user avatar
  • 247
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Why was this question closed and what should I do about it?

Where can I legally download Windows 8 for my OEM product? [closed] The question was closed for being "off topic" or is not within the scope defined in the faq. Let's review the FAQ shall we. ...
Subaru Tashiro's user avatar
-2 votes
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Which Stack Exchange site should I post a question about certificate providers to? That was closed as being off topic. In my mind it ''does'' "relate to computer software" just as much as such questions as "What's a good free GUI zip client for ...
neubert's user avatar
  • 7,494
5 votes
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Why is my question being VTC'ed?

I asked this question on SU: I can't open phpMyAdmin, get error 301 or 500. It got already 4 off-topic VTCs in less than a day. From the popup box: Questions on Super User are expected to ...
That Brazilian Guy's user avatar
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Where it the line drawn between asking for product recomendations and trying to find a tool for a task [duplicate]

I was happy to find a question about on-screen rulers with many recommendations for programs. I was surprised it didn't have any close votes. Under what circumstances is it ok to ask for a name of a ...
Celeritas's user avatar
  • 8,281
-3 votes
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Why was this question plus answer closed?

IE10 unexpectedly sends a HEAD request for PDF. What has changed? I had a genuine problem. I am not the only one. While I researched the question, which was not obvious, I came upon the solution. I ...
mplungjan's user avatar
  • 427
2 votes
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Is this question really not constructive, if so how can I salvage it to get some answers?

It's a bit old but I came to remember that I had a question on non-standard RAID implementations, which got shot down for being non-constructive. I do not agree with that assessment and would like to ...
posdef's user avatar
  • 601
1 vote
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I think my question have been wrongly closed

I don't understand the argument on why the mod closed my question: AMD Radeon HD 7000 cards that do not use more than the total bandwidth of PCI-E 2.0 Small geographic area? I think my question could ...
Karolinger's user avatar
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Can you repeal a closed question?

There have been several questions of mine here on this site that have been voted by users to be closed. The majority of them I understand the reasoning to why they were closed but a few I don't agree ...
Christopher Chipps's user avatar
3 votes
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2 diamond moderators closed a post

How did this question get closed by two diamond moderators? I was under the impression that a single diamond moderator vote to close immediately closed the question.
cpast's user avatar
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4 votes
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When people select different close reasons, what will the final reason displayed be?

Just wanted to know, when different people select different reasons to close a question, what's the reason finally displayed? Is it the one that received the first close vote? What happens for ...
Karan's user avatar
  • 56.9k
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Important question about svchost virus was closed

I asked this question and It was closed as a Exact duplicate of a question which does not resemble it at all. First of all, nowhere in this "dupilcate question's" answers does it mention the stop ...
Nick's user avatar
  • 135
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I'd like to know why my question was closed

I posted a question detailing my problems with Windows 8's File History. I use it for backups and I have a couple of things I'd like it to do, but it fell short. With certain specific needs in mind, I ...
Pieter's user avatar
  • 786
1 vote
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I believe my question was unfairly closed as off-topic

I cannot understand my mistake, and now feel discouraged to try solving my issue with the help of community. The question is this: How can I constantly monitor if my server has network traffic? I'm ...
Justinas Dūdėnas's user avatar
8 votes
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Fixing a question for reopening

I recently asked How do I calculate the cost of printing a given page? and it was closed as NARQ. The question might have flaws, but I don't really agree it's NARQ. What had it closed is probably ...
Alenanno's user avatar
  • 323
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Why was question about the space required for installing Raspbian closed as off-topic?

Question: How much space does Raspbian use? Why was this closed? The Raspberry Pi is a real computer and couldn't find the information elsewhere? If this actually should be closed, is there any ...
Tyilo's user avatar
  • 2,785
-3 votes
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Why was this question closed and the one on Ask Different wasn't?

Here is the question: I spent 30 minutes working with the person that asked the question. This ...
Everett's user avatar
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Why was my question on RTF editing problems on linux closed?

I asked a question about a specific problem with RTF editing on linux with details about what I tried and observed, but my question was closed as off-topic. How can I edit huge RTF files produced by ...
Bogatyr's user avatar
  • 169
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Why was my question on Itanium closed?

I asked a question about Why Intel dropped the Itanium and it was well received (IMO), but was closed as "Not Constructive". Is there any reason why it would be closed?
Cole Tobin's user avatar
2 votes
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Where to ask a question about iTunes/AppStore

I had asked this question some time back and it had been closed as off-topic. Now I have another question related to iTunes and the AppStore. Can anyone say which stack exchange site would be ...
SatheeshJM's user avatar
1 vote
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Question was closed?

Why was this closed? This seems like it matches the Q&A format. What can I use to track application internet usage?
Caleb Jares's user avatar
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-5 votes
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Questions closed as duplicates of questions that are different

Why was this closed? It was closed as a duplicate, yet that other question is not a duplicate of it. It seems to me that people just quickly skimmed the question, and without paying too much attention ...
houbysoft's user avatar
  • 4,434
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Request for re-opening a closed question

I posted this question,, which was closed. I understand the reasoning; the answer is going to be a ...
George Duckett's user avatar
5 votes
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Why was my question closed as exact duplicate?

I am talking about this question. I am not trying to argue to have it reopened or anything, I would just like to know how it's an exact duplicate of this question when the other question is about ...
Oztaco's user avatar
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Why are open-ended questions closed so fast?

Why are "open-ended" question closed so fast when whether a question is open-ended or not is actually subjective? Someone can always come with a rock-solid collection of facts that will make his ...
NeuronQ's user avatar
  • 153
5 votes
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Why is my question considered to be "off topic"?

I asked this question: Automatically reclaim my IRC nickname (without underscores) globally? Without any comments it was "closed as off topic". I don't understand why. The box informing me about the ...
unor's user avatar
  • 3,146
7 votes
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Why do questions get closed?

I'm having a hard time understanding the reasoning behind closing questions. Not that I think questions shouldn't be closed, but I do not understand the reasoning and/or thought processes behind ...
rtf's user avatar
  • 12.8k
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Why was my popular question about spaces in filenames closed?

My popular question below was recently closed as "not constructive" and I'd like to know why. As a Stack Exchange moderator myself, I'm puzzled. Here's the question: If spaces in filenames are ...
Chris W. Rea's user avatar
  • 10.9k