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9 votes
5 answers

What could be the reason of a negative reputation?

This question on su got -100 reputation and I don't know why. In its revision history "Community" named user (I think it is a robot :) ) deleted and locked the question. Maybe this is the reason but ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why are old questions on top? [duplicate]

There are many old questions showing on the start page of If I open one of them, I see old dates both in answers, comments, and the editing time of the question. How/why are these get ...
6 votes
1 answer

What's happening when I try a search on the number of comments?

I wanted to see articles that had no comments and no answers. I did this search and some of the results that came up had some comments. The question that had comments was How to make a busy file not ...
5 votes
1 answer

Migration source question keeps redirecting me to the migration destination

I was the last person to vote to migrate a post on SU, which was migrated to The browser automatically forwarded me to the new ...
-4 votes
1 answer

Badges are removed or missing from account profile

Of the seven badges I've earned with my time on the site I've noticed that the count is now dropped down to two. Can anyone tell me the specific reason behind this?
-3 votes
1 answer

Why does the Stack Exchange user profile say that this user has a different number of answers from what it says on this site's user profile?

I'm looking at the user profile page of this user ( and it says that that user hasn't posted any answers. However, when I look at the same user's profile on Stack ...
8 votes
3 answers

Is this "Chat with an expert" a new items on SE sites?

I have noticed just today that there is a banner that will pop up now and again when I am on SU. . Is this something new?
1 vote
1 answer

Deletion of first line in questions

I've noticed that when I make the first line of my post Hi Superuser, or Hello Superuser, It auto-deletes it. If it is anything else (maybe a few more variants of this exist), it will not ...
1 vote
1 answer

How do I have 199 reputation on Meta if I haven't asked questions on here before?

I haven't asked a question on here before, but yet my meta reputation is 199. How?
0 votes
1 answer

"Research Assistant" tag with problem and can't be reached

I'm reviewing and suggesting tag wiki edits on the last weeks and was suspecting that my tag wiki editions to this badge wasn't change. Today I suggested two tag editions and tested what happend with ...
5 votes
1 answer

Users with less than 2k rep cannot edit meta posts

I've edited a number of posts this week, using suggested edits because I don't have 2k on SU yet. It just occurred to me that MSU might also have some posts in need of cleanup, so I came by to check. ...
4 votes
3 answers

my username changed! how do I restore it?

hi, my username has changed. I can still log in with my openid and pswd. could be a technical glitch? how do I restore my username?
-1 votes
1 answer

Autocompletion getting in the way: yas-snippet-dirs gets completed by adding a period [closed]

I tried to write this answer to a question. Every time I tried to type the variable name yas-snippet-dirs, a period was automatically added after that name, as soon as I typed a space char or a ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why do line breaks not work for me in comments?

The help text recommends insertion of a double space when a line break is required. It don't work for me. The answer here is not helpful.
19 votes
1 answer

Could we have a less obvious review audit user?

I've noticed a good chunk of my edit approval review audits are by the same user (who I will not name ;p), with a .. suspicious amount of rep (999/1024). I realize that review audits are meant to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Not all questions tagged with my favorite tags are highlighted

As you can see in the screenshot below, although I have linux as a favorite tag, not all questions tagged with it are highlighted. This occurs both when looking through the questions tagged as linux ...
0 votes
1 answer

Suggested edit to mark a signpost is cancelled out when post is deleted

Why is it possible to delete an answer when an edit is pending? I had a question that included a HORRIBLE answer. It was someone trying to get me to install malware but I had just edited it to ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Why are my questions judged as low quality?

When I write questions on Super User, I often find that I am rejected when I click submit after typing a paragraph; including my previous research on the subject, and so on. It says that my question ...
1 vote
1 answer

Missing Upvotes

I went through several of KCotreau's answers yesterday upvoting, showing my appreciation using the upvotes I had left near the end of the day. This morning, I found none of my votes for him from ...
-8 votes
2 answers

How do I block a user from superuser?

Is there a way to block a user I do not want reading my questions?
4 votes
1 answer

Mysterious +5 reputation

After perusing SuperUser I came over here to Meta and checked my profile. I noticed I had mysteriously gained +5 reputation putting me up to 106. This is strange because I haven't asked any questions ...
6 votes
1 answer

Why do old questions without any apparent activity get marked as active?

Why is it that some old questions will show recent activity yet when looking at the question page, nothing indicates any change? For example, How to combine with openvpn, dynamic-ip? has its last ...
6 votes
1 answer

Question view count shows zero despite having an answer

How is it possible that a question can have zero (0) views and yet also have an answer? Doesn't having an answer mean that there was at least one view?
4 votes
1 answer

Not possible to enter name/email to post an answer when not logged in

If you're not logged in, and attempt to post an answer, SU will prompt for an OpenID url, but the red text under that says: You must provide name and email, or your OpenID I don't see any way to ...