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Receive notifications when one's own questions are linked to in another post?

Often in a question, answer, or comment, someone will post a link to another existing related superuser question. For now let us refer only to the posts where this is done because the posts are ...
dtmland's user avatar
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Where is the review button? [duplicate]

So I checked in today and realized that my review button is gone. Any Ideas?
Meintjes's user avatar
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How to ask more when a question already exists by other author?

I'd like to ask more in this question What is the "Automatic Maintenance"? in the way that I want to know what EXACTLY is done during maintenance (ie a command/script that shows a full list ...
Costin Gușă's user avatar
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Are close vote audits too obvious/confusing? [duplicate]

I see something like this very often: This question is in the review queue, but it shows as already closed. Still, I can leave it open or close it. At first this is confusing, after two or three of ...
gronostaj's user avatar
  • 57.9k
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Editing "on hold" question

The question by unregistered user was put on hold with "unclear what you are asking" as reason. ...
Kreiri's user avatar
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It is ok to to edit posts to add tags that are related to answers rather than questions? [duplicate]

I'd like to know if it is ok to add a tag to a post that help categorizing it but it is more related to the answer rather than to the question. This doubt is related to this question How to create an ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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Expert pop up Window on SU is Eliza - Can we kill it! [duplicate]

First off, this has NOT been answered any where. My question is not "is this new?" or "what is this about?". My post is, can we destroy it? What a load of nonsense. SU is full of experts willing to ...
Dave's user avatar
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Why is there no way to look at progress towards different badges?

Does anyone know why there is no ability to view progress/statistics towards particular badges or just have the overall ability to look at progress for accounts? I feel like this would be very ...
jmreicha's user avatar
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How can I ask for a program? [duplicate]

Occasionally I like to ask questions about programs that has the features I´am asking for. Sometime ago I did a questions like that: Looking for a program that stores images from the clipboard But ...
Peterstone's user avatar
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Bad name for [modern-ui] tag

modern-ui was AFAIK never the official name from Microsoft. It was always either knows by the codename “Metro”, by the internally used name “Immersive” or by the moniker “Windows Store apps” Request: ...
kinokijuf's user avatar
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Rename [tags] meta tag

tags: General questions about tag usage on the main site Perhaps it should be renamed to tag-usage, because questions about retagging, merging and renaming are sometimes tagged with tags - it's ...
tempy's user avatar
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Merge [laptop-repair] into [repair]

repair x 247 laptop-repair x 81 I think these laptop-repair should be merged into repair - just like battery and laptop-battery - (link). Questions about laptop repair can be tagged with laptop and ...
tempy's user avatar
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Retagging [find][replace] questions with [find-and-replace]

Please retag questions tagged with findreplacement with the find-and-replace tag. I know I could do it myself, manually, but I thought it would be better to post about it here on meta first. I've ...
tempy's user avatar
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How should be approach Windows 8 Store apps tags?

There are times where users have specific question about specific apps within Windows 8. How should we tag these specific questions? I propose we do the following: Have a general windows-8-store-...
James Mertz's user avatar
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How handling existing Windows-8-Preview questions? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What will happen to the Windows-8-Preview tag once Windows 8 goes live? Many questions related to Windows were already asked in the scope of the Windows 8 Release Preview with ...
FiveO's user avatar
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Duplicate tags about duplicate files

deduplication duplicate seems to be used for deduplication but some are about how to create duplicate files. duplicate-files duplicating I suggest merging into deduplication for most of those ...
Mechanical snail's user avatar
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Linking to downloadable files [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is there a policy for or against providing executables and other self hosted downloads? I answered a question earlier about group policy and I stated that they could use ...
Mythrillic's user avatar
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Is it okay to create a tag for a specific class of problem?

I've recently noticed 4 different questions that come down to "I've noticed that I get full speed from my Linksys Wi-Fi AP right after I reboot/reset/reconfigure it, but after a few minutes it goes ...
Spiff's user avatar
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Should I flag comments left over after migration? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How should I request for comment cleanup on migrated questions? When a question is migrated from another site, I often see comments left over like "this site is for ...
bwDraco's user avatar
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How to decide whether to post on OS X related question on SU or on Apple.SE? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: When should questions be moved to AskDifferent/AskUbuntu/…? On one hand, my question is only applicable on an Apple device. On the other hand, many such questions seem ...
GJ.'s user avatar
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Retag request X and x11

Please merge tags x, x11 and xorg See Daniel Beck’s comment. They seem to refer to the same thing.
kinokijuf's user avatar
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Beta Software (eg Windows 8 at this time) Too Localized? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Should we have a sub-tag for beta/RC? Would not any beta software (such as Windows 8 at this time) be considered too localized since it is subject to change and thus should be ...
Synetech's user avatar
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What to do if I ask a question but discover the solution myself before anyone else? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is it kosher to accept your answer on your own question? Recently I asked a question about Outlook Express crashing. Someone left an answer with a possible reason and a list ...
Javier's user avatar
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Having to ask for the user's OS... [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Super User - Suggest adding an operating system tag We frequently have to ask about the OS the user runs, the Ask Question page doesn't ask to include it. Would it be a good ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
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Why are late answers allowed?

Why are new users allowed to post late answers to questions from so long ago? Most of the times it's not even useful and it clutters up the Top Questions page.
paradd0x's user avatar
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Trying to understand why attempting to get recommendations on software products is off-topic

I have a question here: It was closed and marked as off topic, but isn't the point of this Q&A to discuss ...
Brent Pabst's user avatar
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Inconsistent Mod response to migrating Excel questions between Stack OverFlow & Super User [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: When should questions be moved to AskDifferent/AskUbuntu/…? When Excel questions at Super User are clearly vba or vbscript related I then will flag them as belonging to ...
brettdj's user avatar
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So this is not a (real) question? But.. what is it? May be someone is shooting too fast? (not every short question lacks a point, I mean)
mlvljr's user avatar
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It’s annoying and hypocritical that reputation is split between StackExchange sites. [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why reputation is not passed between superuser, stackoverflow and serverfault? Why am I not permitted to downvote, comment, or use community wikis here on SU (yet) when over ...
Alan H.'s user avatar
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How are Stack Exchange and Stack Overflow related?

Can I consolidate my reputation from that site to this? It seems you are both under the same "engine", are you also owned by the same people? Are you managed by the same managers? Last but not least:...
pashute's user avatar
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How to add a newline/line forward at superuser comments?

With pushing [ENTER] button a comment is sent to server. How does one make a new line inside comments instead?
beyondtime's user avatar
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Why is Deltek off topic? Why was this question considered off-topic? According to the FAQ: ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Accepted answer without any up votes

I answered a question, and the user who asked it, accepted it. That user didn't give me an up-vote. Is there ever a good reason for not to up-vote the answer (except for not having sufficient ...
wizlog's user avatar
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Question about editing an answer

Sometimes (for no particular reason), I have add my first name (Kevin) to the end of questions or answers that I have posted. In one particular case, I have posted an answer to a question, months ...
Kevin Fegan's user avatar
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How specific should tags get? e.g., [3tb-hard-drive] vs [hard-drive]

Been doing some tag cleanup recently and noticed this oddity: Boot utilities for 3 TB hard drives Now, in this case it almost makes sense since this is very specific to the potential problems that a ...
mindless.panda's user avatar
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Please reopen 'Why isn't my partition appearing?'

I have a question about my Super User post: Why isn't my partition appearing? Ramhound kindheartedly solved my problem. Thus the post ought be reopened to let others read it.
user avatar
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Tagged Topics Are Off Topic?

The list of tags for Super User includes... Android Date-Time So I posted this question To my surprise, the question was down-voted, my reputation has been hit, and the question was closed as off-...
User.1's user avatar
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Accepted, but not officially accepted

I have seen other questions that suggest solutions, but nothing open-ended or absolute. What are we supposed to do, if anything, when a question is accepted by the OP in comment, but not officially ...
rfportilla's user avatar
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A neccessary edit? (whitespaces before KB/MB/GB/etc)

If this edit had gone through a review, it would probably be rejected as "too minor" (there, I "misused backticks" again). What gives? Edit: Just to clarify, is there really only one way to write ...
TFM's user avatar
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What does too localized really mean

Can some one please explain, further than this post What does "too localized" really entail? why too localized mean a post needs to close. My understanding of it is that the question ...
Dave's user avatar
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How can I delete a wrong answer that I've posted?

When I realize an answer of mine was totally wrong, what should I do? I tried to delete it but I couldn't find any way, and I just can't edit the answer. Should I vote for removing that post (my ...
Hamed's user avatar
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'Best iPad stylus' question deleted as off topic

I had a question about the best iPad stylus that would meet general needs and outperform the others. However, it was closed. There's tons of "the best ...." questions; why was mine deleted? It's a ...
nopcorn's user avatar
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High Reputation on SuperUser without any posts? [duplicate]

A user 'DAMAN' has 101 reputation on superuser without any answer and a single question with 0 score. Where has his reputation come from? He is just member since 5 days? Link To DAMAN'S Page.
Bhavya Gupta's user avatar
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New Super User no reputation problems [duplicate]

I'm running in to some Super User issues as with no reputation, you can't ask a question on Meta, nor comment on anything, so my only option to gain reputation seems to be editing previous answers to ...
Josh EC's user avatar
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Question put on hold, but why? | Topic: Potential Hardware Solutions to a given problem

I posted for the first time at SU looking for advice on potential solutions to a problem at hand, While it may ...
Islay's user avatar
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Why was this question closed and what should I do about it?

Where can I legally download Windows 8 for my OEM product? [closed] The question was closed for being "off topic" or is not within the scope defined in the faq. Let's review the FAQ shall we. ...
Subaru Tashiro's user avatar
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Why can't Community offer bounties to unanswered questions?

I read about Community, and wondered: Why can't Community offer bounties to old, unanswered questions and bring these questions back to life?
BlueBerry - Vignesh4303's user avatar
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Why was this question deleted, and is it worth re-visiting the topic?

The question in question: How much faster is a 64-bit CPU than a 32-bit CPU? [closed] I was recently trying to find a past answer of mine which detailed word-length and performance penalties, which ...
Breakthrough's user avatar
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Not a duplicate of what was pointed and closed for

My question at was closed and said to be a duplicated. I have checked the given links, they were not only superficial to the matter ...
Prix's user avatar
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My software rec question got closed as a duplicate, while it is not

My question got closed. As a duplicate. However, I asked if there is an equivalent to "Proccess Explorer". Not a CPU monitor. Proccesss Explorer does MUCH more. Memory usage, network usage, commit ...
Apache's user avatar
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