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369 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Can/should we do anything about old "unanswered" questions being bumped when they have an answer?

Previous questions have dealt with similar issues: 1. Is there anything we can do about ancient questions being bumped? Conclusion I: Valueless questions getting repeatedly bumped is a problem. They ...
Alex M's user avatar
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Why was this access question closed as off topic, and what community would be better suited for it?

I posted this here earlier, but it was closed as off-topic. I figured since it was access related, which is software related, this was the best fit community. If that is not the case, could someone ...
Dargscisyhp's user avatar
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What happens to abandoned questions?

I've been thinking a lot about the whole 'welcoming' debate. I've read that new users can find downvotes so discouraging that they can be ruined for Stack Exchange for life. Most of my SE activity is ...
Alex M's user avatar
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Where to ask: "Must I use an emulator to use KakaoStory and WeChat on Windows 10?"

Which SE website fits this question?
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No feedback on answer from the person who issued the bounty (replicating the problem)

In regards to this question I would be interested if my (first) solution works, but I wasn't able to replicate the problem. Where should I ask how to replicate a problem? Seem kind of counter ...
Albin's user avatar
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Where do I report superuser site bug?

Where do I report a bug I find on the superuser site (it's just a minor one)? I only found a help center entry for security vulnerability. Maybe it's one of the cases where I'm just too stupid to do ...
Albin's user avatar
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What's too broad about my question?

I have a question about my Super User post: How to protect my files against application? (Sandboxing?) First, I'm not complaining, I'm just trying to understand. Second, I already edited the ...
Tom's user avatar
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Lift question bans by answering?

How can I get out of a question ban? Begin by by improving your existing questions: do as much as possible to make them clear, specific and on-topic. The ban will be lifted automatically by the system ...
neverMind9's user avatar
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Why is the question and the answer down voted in this case?

I have a question about my Super User post: How to access from physical lan to wireless router? If someone gives a working answer better than I found, then I can change it. Or maybe edit the post to ...
LogoS's user avatar
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Should I move my question/answer?

I asked a question here a few months ago which didn't receive any responses. I was able to solve my problem using an alternative method and posted the solution I used. After re-visiting this question ...
FGreg's user avatar
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Removing ALL similar answers instead of removing duplicates?

I was looking for an answer to the question How do I copy/paste into VirtualBox? I found two such questions here but none contained the answer that I need. After I figured out the answer myself I ...
Ivan Yurchenko's user avatar
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Proposed resolution for [ide]

Every few years, we do a cleanup of ide tags, for example: Many questions tagged "ide" should be tagged "pata" Old monthly tag cleanups Someone just anonymously cleaned up ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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Advice for editing question so problem more clearly stated

I have a question about my Super User post: Convert Windows 10 OEM install from Legacy to UEFI? My question was downvoted for allegedly being a duplicate. However, I had actually referenced the ...
Palaeologus's user avatar
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Tag Synonym Request: adobe-flash-player to flash-player

Or, you know, vice versa... adobe-flash-player should be linked, somehow, with flash-player. My preference is to include the manufacturer's name in the product, but either way would work
Canadian Luke's user avatar
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Consolidate reverse-dns and dns.ptr?

We have 12 questions tagged reverse-dns (the tag, itself is undefined). We have a new tag dns.ptr, with a wiki excerpt. This tag has only been applied to two questions so far. There are 132 ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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What is the difference between on-topic and off-topic tags here in meta?

There are both on-topic and off-topic here on meta.superuser, both without definition. What's the difference between them? (Is asking whether something is on-topic different from asking whether the ...
Máté Juhász's user avatar
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Editing tag wiki excerpt after partial review did not invalidate original votes

Referring to this tag wiki excerpt edit, which was initially longer and worded somewhat differently. I received 1 Accept and 1 Reject citing the reason "Most of this should go in the wiki. The excerpt ...
ADTC's user avatar
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I created a resource for an answer. Are there specifications/rules to include it as picture or link?

I answered to this question "Looking up gnuplot abbreviations", in the beginning giving only the method to find the meaning of the abbreviations used or usable. After I've created a a resource (a ...
Hastur's user avatar
  • 19.3k
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differentiate tags text-editors text-editing and text-manipulation, add automated-text-manipulation

Currently, questions tagged as text-editing fall in two categories: 1. with visual text editors, 2. with parametrised programmes. I here suggest the removal of the text-editing tag. More questions ...
把友情留在无盐's user avatar
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Why spam questions are not removed from the recently changed lists once deleted?

Clicking on x questions with new activity banner to see latest activity I often also see "old" (> 5 min:) ) spam questions still in the list, however the question itself is already removed. Why ...
Máté Juhász's user avatar
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Should the hyper-threading tag be made a synonym of a new hardware-multithreading tag?

While many questions on hardware multithreading on SuperUser will concern Intel's Hyper-Threading, a significant fraction concern hardware multithreading more generally. (Those concerning actual Hyper-...
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What does the "flip flop" hat mean? :-)

I got a secret hat! Is it magic? Am I being targeted by the NSA? Is the hat lined with tin foil? Does someone think I'm a flop, or does it just come with matching sandals? And if I'm a flip-flop - ...
einpoklum's user avatar
  • 10.2k
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Proper behaviour: to rollback or to re-edit a not working accepted edit?

There is this answer [1] to the question How do I figure out which /dev is a USB flash drive?[2] that contains an outdated answer maybe still useful for old systems. It was proposed an edit that I ...
Hastur's user avatar
  • 19.3k
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Editing "nonexistent" answer resulting in test shows "Answer didn't exist" message

I was reviewing the First Posts queue, when I hit this test. I usually edit answers/questions with explicit links and embed them to some relevant term (like "This tool...", "This answer...", etc.), so ...
nKn's user avatar
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Should there be Groups rather than Top-Down listing

I find that the listings is just top-down, so when several question may be getting posted as is the case most of the time, your question might lose visibility and may not seek any responses. While ...
patkim's user avatar
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Bad review audit question?

I just failed this close vote review question I voted to close as opinion based and failed the review. The core of the question asks "What are the technical ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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Let user specify main tag for a question

I observed that a web page title for questions asked here is generated by the first tag + full question. However the ordering for the tags is fixed once added, unless one removes all tag and re-add ...
dennis97519's user avatar
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Help us close duplicates of two new Community FAQ questions

I've recently added two questions to the Community FAQ because they were found to have many duplicates: USB flash drive not working or is appearing as an empty disk drive, Disk Management reports &...
bwDraco's user avatar
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Duplication issues with three SSD Windows freezing questions

I noticed three similar questions that are a little outside my ballywick and am hoping someone can recommend what, if anything, should be done with them. SSD causes my Windows 7 installation to ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
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Should pre-canned edit rejection reasons be made more obviously pre-canned?

As a follow-on to the following question, I have a concern. How much negative result is there to having some aggressive edit refusers? The pre-canned response did not indicate that it was a pre-...
killermist's user avatar
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Expand "How can I remove malicious spyware, malware, viruses or rootkits from my PC?" beyond just Windows?

Should we expand How can I remove malicious spyware, malware, adware, viruses, trojans or rootkits from my PC? to not be limited to just Windows PCs? It's currently tagged Windows specifically (for ...
Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007's user avatar
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Request to rename [label-printer] tag

Previous question remove-the-label-tag discusses cleaning up the label tag. One aspect of that is pulling out questions that deal with label printing and putting them under a specific tag. There was ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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Stop attending [events]

events is a flexible, undefined meta tag with so many uses: system actions programming triggers or actions (covered by [vba] and other programming tags) calendar activities (covered by specific ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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Escape from [escaping]

Some of the uses of the undefined escaping tag look like they should have used escape-sequences The rest don't seem to have a whole lot in common. Can someone look at this and see if they can make ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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Community Wiki article about shrinking Windows 7 for SSD

I would like to create Community Wiki question about shrinking Windows 7 for SSD drives. SSD drives become cheap, many people ask about this and there is no single thread about this. Today I wrote ...
Kamil's user avatar
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Writing off [doc], [document] and [documents]

doc is undefined but should refer to the MS Word file extension (like docx does). However, it is synonomized with documents. It should be unsynonomized (or is that dissynonomized?), the relevant ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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Compute a solution for [spreadsheet]

spreadsheet is a meta tag but it has a definition that describes when it would be relevant (spreadsheet software in general and interoperability between spreadsheet programs). That sounds like ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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Let's steer clear of [Navigation]

navigation is currently undefined. It is not necessarily a bad tag. The vast majority of questions relate to moving around in the user environment of the computer. There are a few exceptions. Some ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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Where does the Rep go when an answer is deleted?

I was performing reviews and down voted an answer...-1 rep and I get that. Now it seems that answer may be deleted. I went through my voting stuff and do not see it in there. I thought before that ...
Carl B's user avatar
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Would the Super User community be interested in a Soldering post?

My TV has finally reached it's doom, and the convergence chips have gone out. I've ordered new chips and will be removing the olds to be replaced with the new. This will require de-soldering the old ...
James Mertz's user avatar
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Cleanup the [typing] tag

typing is a pretty mixed bag: how to enter specific characters keyboard hardware problems how to change font attributes in various software hot to handle various page layout and LaTeX problems issues ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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Split the [manual] tag

manual usage is evenly divided between people referring to documentation and people referring to doing things by hand. Recommend splitting it into two tags that each have a consistent meaning. ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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Clear up the [clear] tag

clear is another undefined tag that is used is multiple ways: the "Clear" command in a number of command languages To empty various lists like history, cache, or cookies Clear (TM) brand hardware to ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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How to post trivial answers when that is all that is required?

Often a problem can be solved with a trivial answer, which can be stretched to make one complete sentence. These kinds of answers are often done as a comment because they don't seem worthy of "answer"...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
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Why was this question on parsing a pdf closed?

re: about breaking a pdf into sentences The original wording of the question included the option for a ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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Un-referencing the [reference] tag

It only has 7 questions, but I can't imagine reference is specific enough to be useful. I didn't want to just clear this out without asking others if it could be useful.
Raystafarian's user avatar
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Should we Merge/Synonymise [button-remapping]/[remapping] -> [keyboard-layout]?

button-remapping and remapping are the same thing, and keyboard-layout's Tag description says to use it for remapping keys. I'm for merging both of the former into the latter. Does this seem sensible?...
Robotnik's user avatar
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Tag Editing - Process?

There was a tag that I thought was a meta tag here on Super User. I clicked on it, then looked through the questions. Some are tagged properly with it, but others (many others) are using the tag ...
Canadian Luke's user avatar
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Can we rename "window" to "gui-window"?

When I was looking around in the windows tag (while waiting for an answer...) I noticed that many people when they were talking about the Windows OS, they tagged it both with windows and window. I do ...
Anonymous Penguin's user avatar
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Creating sign-post questions

I came across a problem I couldn't quickly solve myself (stress related, my search skills were turned off). I copy and pasted the message into the Search bar of SU, and could not find any results in ...
Canadian Luke's user avatar

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