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Questions tagged [support]

A request for assistance from community, moderators, or staff with one of the site's features

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5 votes
2 answers

Several issues with posting questions on

Crap title, I know, sorry. But there really are a few weird issues going on. I can't seem to post without a captcha. Ever. Tag autocompletion is flat-out not working I get a submission failure ...
Chris R's user avatar
  • 1,921
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2 answers

Why can't I flag a particular question as off-topic?

This question about potential harm from an Ethernet port is understandably locked. However, even though it generated a couple of good answers, and I can see a potential link to home networking, I don'...
Joshua Drake's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why did I have all but one reputation point removed and get accused of spamming?

I was browsing through questions and all of a sudden my reputation on Super User dropped from 16 to 1, this I am sure of, and I can't seem to find a reason why. On the other hand, I think my ...
Ciaran McKenzie's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What should I do if I find my own solution to my problem?

I have a problem that many seems to have. I found a solution. However, another solution is more informative and I wouldn't be able to find my solution if not because of it. Wi-Fi not connecting This ...
user4234's user avatar
  • 1,091
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Is it possible to search my own posts?

There is a question about a wireless issue - and I've replied on a post about wireless issue where another user has possibly already given an answer (although it's not a dupe). So, I wanted to search ...
Dave's user avatar
  • 25.4k
5 votes
1 answer

Where is the logout link on Super User?

Where is the logout link on Super User? I read it is in the user profile but I can't see it.
barlop's user avatar
  • 24.7k
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Why votes on question don't change the tag vote count in the User Profile?

When you ask or answer a question the tags of such question appear in your profile, as people vote your answers the tag score on your profile increases/decreases. Why doesn't it do the same for when ...
PedroC88's user avatar
  • 180
5 votes
2 answers

Why can't we flag as "off topic" for other SE sites?

When we flag as "Off-topic" and suggest another SE site, we can only choose from a couple options. I've been in the situation where I want to flag a post as Android or iDevice, but can't select these ...
nopcorn's user avatar
  • 16.9k
5 votes
2 answers

What can moderators do and what's difference between 10k users and moderators?

I was wondering, what is it exactly that moderators do besides closing and removing questions. I know they moderate comments and such if they break the rules, but what else? And >10k users are ...
Pylsa's user avatar
  • 31.3k
5 votes
2 answers

How do I sign out from Superuser? [duplicate]

I'm looking for the sign out button here. Where is it? I can't add any more detail. It says I need more in this segment but I don't have anymore detail.
user3677757's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How should I flag link-only answers in the First Post queue?

Sometimes when I'm going through the First Post queue (or just perusing the site), I come across an answer that is essentially just a link, for example:
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can we have icons for tags the way Stack Overflow has?

Stack Overflow has images/icons on a lot of tags like for Android and CUDA. Can we incorporate this on Super User as well?
Shekhar's user avatar
  • 5,119
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How can I post screenshots with less than 10 reputation?

I have just spent quite some time putting a decent question together including screenshots and diagrams only to realize I need 10 points to post images in my questions. How can post the images though?...
nana's user avatar
  • 160
5 votes
1 answer

Users with less than 2k rep cannot edit meta posts

I've edited a number of posts this week, using suggested edits because I don't have 2k on SU yet. It just occurred to me that MSU might also have some posts in need of cleanup, so I came by to check. ...
Pops's user avatar
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2 answers

Why do I see my own suggested tag edits in the edit queue?

I've been creating some tag excerpts, but somehow they've made it into my review queue. Of course, I can't accept or reject them, they're just there. Is this a bug or by design?
slhck's user avatar
  • 233k
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1 answer

Who are allowed and there is a way to create badges?

Who actually create the badges system? There are ranked users that can do it? May it one day be possible?
Diogo's user avatar
  • 30.7k
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I can't post pictures because I'm a newcomer?

I can't post any pictures because I'm a newcomer. It says that I need at least 10 reputation to do so. How can I fix this?
user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How do web-software related questions differ in superuser from questions in webapps of stackexhange?

I guess the web related software questions can be asked in either of the websites - superuser or webapps? Am I correct?
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Super User or SuperUser?

Officially, how are we supposed to write Super User? SuperUser (NO space) Super User (WITH space) I'm constantly wondering about this whenever I go to write Super User, etc, and I've seen all ...
studiohack's user avatar
  • 13.5k
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1 answer

Reputation is not updated

I have some daily records of approved edits, which should continuously increase the reputation. Suggestions as of 18th January: However, the last successful reputation update was 3 days back: I ...
Ahmed Ashour's user avatar
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Too many edits issue. Post-ban support

Scenario I was banned the past year in 2014. I have a post-ban in which I can't ask any question in Here are two discussions about my problem: Am I a victim of any sort of ...
ElektroStudios's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why have I lost reputation?

Ok I am running into a weird issue. Earlier I had 34 or so reputation. Now I have 1 rep. I oddly still have 34 rep on from what I read at
birdman3131's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

My answer got deleted - But why?

How can I disable the drag handle on the desktop? Backstory: Could not find the previous question via Google ( and through Superuser's own search. Made my own question. Found ...
Apache's user avatar
  • 16.2k
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1 answer

What does it mean when Community completes a review item?

From the Community user's bio, I know that it: pokes old, unanswered/unaccepted questions owns CW questions and answers, anonymous edits, and downvotes on spam posts From this post, I additionally ...
nc4pk's user avatar
  • 9,207
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1 answer

How to request a migration

I've posted a question on Super User, and later realized it should be migrated to Web Apps Stack Exchange. How can I do this? I've seen other users (with high reputation/privileges) migrate questions ...
dtmland's user avatar
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3 answers

Does [windows-xp-sp3] need its own tag?

There are 73 questions tagged windows-xp-sp3. Does this version really need its own tag? I'm sure that questions related to specific service packs can be tagged service-pack. Also we wouldn't create ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 233k
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1 answer

How do I make the question community wiki?

How do I make the question community wiki? I don't see such a button
kinokijuf's user avatar
  • 8,315
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1 answer

Are linked images automatically updated to StackExchange's imgur account?

Are linked images automatically updated to StackExchange's imgur account? I noticed many of the linked images within questions and answer are hosted at If not, then how can I upload ...
SgtOJ's user avatar
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What happens to flag weight when 2 users flag the same answer?

What happens if I flag an answer (or question) and another user does it at the same time (before the flag is addressed by a mod)? If it's for a valid reason and the post is deleted (moderated) - the ...
Siim K's user avatar
  • 8,012
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Do comment upvotes affect your rep?

When your comment is upvoted, does it increase your reputation or does it not have any effect on it?
paradd0x's user avatar
  • 9,335
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2 answers

question got migrated from stackoverflow to superuser. what should i do? repost?

I got a question that got migrated from SO to SP. what do i do after that? repost? look for the migrated question? can somebody do a slightly detailed explanation with good examples what type of ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is providing an answer on previously self-solved questions incorrect?

I added an answer to a question that was some time ago resolved in the comments only, as it just got another low-quality answer, and to have it resolved. It seems that was not the correct thing to ...
nyov's user avatar
  • 366
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1 answer

Are questions about interfacing with printers on topic?

According to the current consensus on Meta, questions about printers are on topic, even questions concerning the hardware. Also, according to the help, it is OK to ask question concerning smartphones "...
Malcolm's user avatar
  • 394
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1 answer

Does Super User have a "could not be reproduced" vote reason?

My primary hunting grounds Ask Ubuntu, Unix & Linux and Vi and Vim have a "could not reproduced" close reason (or something close enough). Does Super User have something similar? I know I can only ...
muru's user avatar
  • 1,336
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2 answers

How to improve my tumbleweeded question

I haven't gotten much of a response on my question Folder structure for GUID named files, and got in fact the Tumbleweed badge for it. However I would like for it to be answered, so could you guide ...
holroy's user avatar
  • 111
5 votes
1 answer

Blue background appears in the sign

When some users write a comment, why there's a blue background on their sign at the end of the comment?
living being's user avatar
  • 1,096
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The example question on the tour is about unicorns

The current example question on the about page is the Stack Exchange default example: "How to prevent unicorns from eating daisies". This is quite unhelpful and makes the site look less professional.
Hjulle's user avatar
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Why are some of my questions highlighted in blue?

I was looking at the newest questions tab and noticed two of them have a blueish background. Is this something new? If so, what does it represent?
Carl B's user avatar
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Does marking a question as favourite allow tracking its activity?

I have noticed the star icon by someone's question and wondered what exactly does it do? I thought at first it was a way to "watch" the question (without physically commenting or answering) but this ...
Phorce's user avatar
  • 113
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What happens to bounty if there are no answers to the question once the bounty expires?

I have some bounty assigned to a question on a different SE site. This question has been open for 11 days now, and the bounty expires in 3 days. Currently there are no answers, so what would happen to ...
Kirk's user avatar
  • 2,462
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2 answers

14 questions tagged superuser

And some of these aren't even meta questions... I'd retag them all myself, but I don't want to fill the front page with old questions. superuser
Hello71's user avatar
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2023 stand about "troubleshooting"

Tl;Dr What is the current SU stand about troubleshooting questions? I'm a long time computer user used to do my best to solve "simple" problems, long time lurker on multiple forums ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What links count for the 2 link limit for new users?

According to the help center, new users with less than 10 reputation can't post more than 2 links: New users cannot: post more than two hyperlinks at a time, either in a post or their user ...
Donald Duck's user avatar
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What is the best way to answer a question that violates software license terms?

I just came across a question titled "UEFI Interactive Shell comes up when trying to run OSX in Virtualbox." As you can see, I responded to it with, "I am guessing the host operating system is not OSX?...
DaveTheMinion's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Vandalism from these 2 accounts

There are several posts from these 2 accounts - and, in this question: How to retrieve data from Firefox sync ...
sashoalm's user avatar
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Why is my question considered to be "off topic"?

I asked this question: Automatically reclaim my IRC nickname (without underscores) globally? Without any comments it was "closed as off topic". I don't understand why. The box informing me about the ...
unor's user avatar
  • 3,146
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What are the prerequisites for a question to be transferred over to Super User?

Two questions really: What are the prerequisites for a question to be migrated over to Super User part of Stack Exchange? Why was my question migrated over from Stack Overflow to SuperUser, if the ...
Matt Ridge's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Undo Flag Submission [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Revoking flags and close votes I accidentally flagged a question with the wrong option. Is there any way to un-submit, undo, or change that flag so that a moderator doesn't ...
Brandon Kreisel's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What is counting in the open tab when I open the Superuser?

When I'm on Super User, I often see that there is a count in the first opening tag. There is no counting on other sites, I thought that this waS Firefox problem then I opened it in Google Chrome and ...
ItsBegin's user avatar
  • 349
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1 answer

Request to reopen 396626 (How do I stop this message?)

Could someone please reopen this question: How do I stop this message? These repeated launchd error messages being reported to in Mac OS X is a perfectly real question, which has an ...
NSGod's user avatar
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