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24 votes

New Super User theme coming soon

There's a related post on MSE here, and I encourage people to weight in there - I'm probably a lot more annoyed when I wrote it, a little later, and I don't see the point repeating it here. As a ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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13 votes

New Super User theme coming soon

status-completed We reverted to the bi-color logo on the main site and removed the other "disjointed logos" on the site bar Please keep the old bicoloured logo Seriously. The new one looks bleak in ...
undo's user avatar
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11 votes

New Super User theme coming soon

I also posted a response on Meta. The trashed logo and the vomit-inducing noise serving as artwork, as covered in other answers, seriously degrade the site's image and give it an amateurish ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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10 votes

New Super User theme coming soon

Here's a straight copy and paste from my answer on the Meta.SE thread: Superuser I think brand colouring and identity is important. I have slightly tweaked the proposed Superuser theme to use the on-...
Michael Frank's user avatar
9 votes

New Super User theme coming soon

I think it sucks. The most important thing, in my opinion, would be to keep the current coloured logo. I've added a related post on MSE with a couple of mock-ups that keep the current logo and are ...
robinCTS's user avatar
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8 votes

Is there a "dark mode" setting for Super User?

There isn't one. While in theory stacks (the design/theming engine behind modern SE) supports themes, the resources and will to develop alternate themes outside of Stack Overflow isn't there. There's ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 132k
8 votes

Super User new site theme is live

status-bydesign The updated Super User layout has rolled out. Some things will take getting used to, but one item is a confusing placement. The question title is essentially in a box. The Ask ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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7 votes

New Super User theme coming soon

I like the layout of the new site but the colours seem too generic and "off-brand" for one of the trilogy sites. I feel a much darker blue would be better. I have made an image for comparison: I'm ...
Burgi's user avatar
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5 votes

Super User new site theme is live

Wow, it actually works better on my weird monitor setup of 2-3 really narrow windows. To be honest can hardly tell and will have forgotten shortly. Thanks :)
djsmiley2kStaysInside's user avatar
4 votes

HTTP status 404 for image on Meta's 404 page

If you can’t find a page on Meta Super User, you will no longer find a page that can’t find the image to show (it is now using the same image as SU). Load page, then not found Error image also gone?? ...
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
4 votes

Super User new site theme is live

feature-requeststatus-review Please make the introduction text not clash with the theming around it. Here is the new theming: The introduction text, explaining what the site is for and how it works,...
Zackary's user avatar
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3 votes

Super User new site theme is live

status-completed Responsiveness is always enabled and there is no link to disable it : What I'd really like is to be able to disable the responsive "change depending on your real estate" and ...
Mokubai's user avatar
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2 votes

Super User new site theme is live

status-planned Responsiveness is a work in progress. It is likely that we will be redesigning review queues, profiles and mod tools before making them responsive. No time table for that work yet. It'...
djsmiley2kStaysInside's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a "dark mode" setting for Super User?

There's no, as of 2024-11, but just in case, there's an extension for the most common modern browsers - Dark Reader. It should work out-of-the-box for the current version of both main and meta ...
Artfaith's user avatar
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1 vote

Super User new site theme is live

The logo has a very inconsistent baseline:
curiousdannii's user avatar

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