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67 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between Super User and Stack Overflow?

I'm trying to understand the difference between Super User and Stack Overflow. What kind of questions should I ask here and not on Stack Overflow?
Sam007's user avatar
  • 101
64 votes
0 answers

New functionality: convert close votes

Close votes can be retracted from a question, but after that, no more close votes can be cast on that particular question. I understand that voting and revoking several times would negatively impact ...
Máté Juhász's user avatar
45 votes
1 answer

Nicer <kbd> style

Apple.SE has a much nicer design for kbd tags: It works much better for embedding it in other text (e.g. an explanation) as it contains a sans-serif font and a more subtle border. The style currently ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
  • 111k
39 votes
3 answers

Please add a toolbar button or keyboard shortcut for the Keyboard style

Not sure if this should just be here or if I should post on Meta.Stackoverflow - please can a mod move if you think it should be there. When writing answers, one of the items that takes me the ...
William Hilsum's user avatar
38 votes
3 answers

Should we add "lmgtfy" to the blacklist?

Earlier today I noticed a comment that had a "lmgtfy" (Let me Google that for you) link in a comment (now deleted). Such links have been blacklisted on Stack Overflow and Software Engineering mainly ...
ChrisF's user avatar
  • 41.4k
35 votes
4 answers

Concept of "conditional" downvotes?

Down-voted questions seem to fall into two categories: fixable and unfixable. Some questions are just inappropriate, easily answerable with minimal search effort, or have other problems for which ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
30 votes
2 answers

Isn't the close reason "gaming" a dupe of "off-topic" on Super User?

Due to this question, the close reason on Super User not computer related has been replaced with off-topic now: close reasons This ...
fretje's user avatar
  • 10.7k
30 votes
1 answer

Blocklist Google?

google (the manufacturer meta tag, see Manufacturer & Company tags are back. Again), was cleaned up a little over a year ago. It stayed dead for almost a year, but starting in July of this year, ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
29 votes
1 answer

Raise the minimum rep needed to create new tags

Super User has a tag problem. Due to many users who are not acquainted with the site barely reaching the rep threshold to create new tags, many such users misuse it, and that causes a problem as ...
gparyani's user avatar
  • 1,851
27 votes
2 answers

Consider blocklisting the [microsoft] tag?

As per Manufacturer & Company tags are back. Again, microsoft as a tag is not wanted: we have more specific tags to use for microsoft products (microsoft-excel, windows-10, etc). It has been ...
Robotnik's user avatar
  • 2,650
25 votes
4 answers

Should we add a "no shopping recommendation" clause to the Super User FAQ?

As discussed several times, shopping questions are off-topic on Super User. They are too specific, related to a particular time, a particular place, and are also open to subjectivity (advising "which ...
Gnoupi's user avatar
  • 8,168
24 votes
2 answers

Super User in Portuguese

As you may know, Stack Overflow in Portuguese is a huge success. Now, it is time to expand the idea and get our hands at the Super User in Portuguese, right now on Area 51. Stack Exchange team has a ...
Victor Stafusa's user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

Unanswered questions that are answered without upvotes or accepted answers

The Unanswered tab at the top shows that there are more than 8,000 unanswered questions, it also seems to increase every day. I think it's a bad behavior that this keeps increasing... Don't ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Turn Markdown "code" blocks into plain "preformatted" blocks on Super User

On SU, can we remove the default syntax highlighting? It seems that most uses for the Markdown 4-space-indent-code-block on SU are not actual code, and the syntax highlighting is more of a hindrance ...
user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Update the FAQ to specifically allow home networking questions

Update at 20/0 — Hm, any chance of updating the FAQ? If this isn't community consensus, I don't know what else is. Brought up by the overwhelming consensus in: Is there a valid Stackexchange for my ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 232k
21 votes
1 answer

Make syntax highlighting possible to enable with prettify language codes

On Super User syntax highlighting is turned off. But there are questions on Super User where syntax highlighting can be helpful. Therefore I suggest that syntax highlighting is made possible to enable ...
N.N.'s user avatar
  • 1,379
20 votes
2 answers

Add Android Enthusiasts to the default migration targets, drop Gaming

As Android devices become more popular, Super User gets more and more off-topic Android questions. To quote our FAQ (emphasis mine): If your question is not about... videogames or consoles ...
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.5k
19 votes
3 answers

Add a 'No Caps Lock' message/hint/check on the website

I've seen a lot of questions that are originally in CAPS LOCK and with no formatting at all. Most recently, was this and this question with caps lock body, this question with caps lock title, and this ...
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
  • 6,343
19 votes
0 answers

Adding the notification icons to the blog

My home page is the Super User Community Blog When I launch Chrome, I like to read the blog and to see if I have new notifications. Unfortunately, the notification icon are not in the bar, so I must ...
Galabyca's user avatar
  • 175
19 votes
2 answers

Gentle reminders to mark an answer as accepted?

I often see questions which have one or more answers that are comprehensive, correct, helpful, and have many upvotes, and yet the question remains without a marked answer. Generally, it seems like the ...
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.5k
17 votes
5 answers

Super User - Suggest adding an operating system tag

When asking a question on Super User, add a suggestion for users to include their "operating system" when adding tags. It's such a common omission in questions on Super User, I think an extra ...
Robert Cartaino's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

How can I turn on dark mode on here?

Can anyone tell me how I can turn on dark mode on this website? This bright white is already burning a hole in my retinas. Why is there not just a button at the bottom or top of the webpage at all ...
Ramanuta's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Have a prompt when a tag is created

When a tag is created, a prompt should be raised, just so that people know they they are creating a tag, and are doing it intentionally. I think that should solve address the answers to my previous ...
soandos's user avatar
  • 24.5k
16 votes
1 answer

Make "code / command"-background more visible

I write code or commands using "backticks". But on SuperUser, the background doesn't have much visual contrast, so if I write multiple commands separated with comma or a single word, it's hard to ...
Jonas's user avatar
  • 28.2k
16 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to filter out questions from users who don't have a specific badge?

I would like to only see questions which were asked by those who at least have the Informed badge. I don't like wasting my time answering (or even reading) questions by those who haven't bothered to ...
krowe's user avatar
  • 5,591
15 votes
1 answer

Easy way to take a comment thread to chat sooner?

If I expect a comment thread to require several back-and-forths, is there an easy way to take it to chat sooner than the 8th reply (or whenever it is that the site automatically suggests you take it ...
Spiff's user avatar
  • 108k
15 votes
1 answer

Images that are wider than 640px

To handle overflow, Super User uses the following CSS for images: img { max-width: 640px; } For example, look at the following images with widths of 640px and 800px, respectively: The second ...
iglvzx's user avatar
  • 23.7k
15 votes
1 answer

Revoking flags and close votes

I'd like to be able to revoke my own flags and close/reopen votes. Since it can take quite a while for question votes to accumulate, the questions often change in the meantime. The same applies to ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
  • 111k
15 votes
1 answer

Drop the score requirement for proposing tag synonyms

Related to : Why am I not allowed to propose a tag synonym ? Couple of days ago, there were certain changes done to the requirements of who can propose synonyms. So you need a score of 10 or more ...
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
  • 62.1k
14 votes
3 answers

Change quote background color, to make code in a quote stand out

The quote background (this is inline code) color is the same as code background color. Please change it because code sometimes appears in quotes. (I realize meta has a different theme but the ...
user193661's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

Don't show vote buttons for your own posts

Rather than show a pop-up when you try to vote your own question or answer up or down, just don't show the vote buttons - much like how there's no upvote button on your own comments.
ChimneyImp's user avatar
  • 1,521
14 votes
2 answers

Update the Super User FAQ

With the changes made to the policies recently, and the amount of hits Super User is taking at the moment, I would like to suggest that the current FAQ is updated as follows: Super User is for ...
BinaryMisfit's user avatar
  • 20.8k
14 votes
1 answer

Feature request: Stacking bounties

I'd like to see a way to be able to stack bounties. Say Joe shmo has a question out there and someone puts a bounty on it for 50 points. Well lets say I like Joe's question and I also want to know the ...
Griffin's user avatar
  • 1,042
14 votes
2 answers

superuser openid query text is misleading

Superuser gave me this error when I tried to login: This is an OpenID we haven't seen before: openid text here Do you want to create a new Super User account with this OpenID? (If you want to ...
user avatar
14 votes
0 answers

Create a queue for posts that will have to be reviewed later

There are many posts that should be placed in a queue to be checked later. An example is this one, but there are comments like this scattered all over the place: Having a queue like this would ...
soandos's user avatar
  • 24.5k
13 votes
2 answers

Acknowledging comments so that they can be removed

"Comments are not for extended discussion" is in my opinion a very valuable thing to imbue in the community. Occasionally I've been on one end or another of the following situation: Person A makes a ...
Attie's user avatar
  • 20.5k
13 votes
1 answer

Merge tags windows-10 and win10

I have recently noticed that, there is a tag named win10 which has a few questions on Windows 10. But there is already the major tag windows-10 and questions should use the major tag. I personally ...
Wasif's user avatar
  • 8,870
13 votes
2 answers

See possible duplicates in question

When one opens a question and starts typing a title, a list of possible duplicate questions is shown as illustrated below. I assume that this isn't used often since some quite obvious duplicates are ...
Pylsa's user avatar
  • 31.3k
13 votes
2 answers

Can we activate syntax highlighting for code blocks based on the question's tags?

I think it is time to revisit the syntax highlighting question. There is a similar request that suggests using HTML comments to activate highlighting for specific posts. I would rather implement ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 53.9k
13 votes
1 answer

Is it time to update this close reason?

Image & text of the Software recs close reason (just so no-one thinks this was closed already ;)… Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 50.5k
13 votes
1 answer

Will an option to migrate to Web Apps be added to Super User's Close dialog?

The title says it all really. Now that Nothing To Install WebApps is live, will it be added to the close dialog?
ChrisF's user avatar
  • 41.4k
13 votes
1 answer

Location of the "( visit meta )" link

Can we please move that link to top right? Like this "log out | about | meta | faq" ? Please? Update: Here is a screenshot
Agnel Kurian's user avatar
  • 2,235
13 votes
1 answer

New error message box is easy to miss

In my answer to Is it possible for many domain names to share one IP address? I wanted to include a link to the IP for to show how shared hosting and accessing by IP's did not work, ...
Scott Chamberlain's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Change the close question text

Would it be possible to get the text in yellow box on questions closed for requesting hardware and software recommendations to contain a link to those respective sites? Below is a recent example. ...
Burgi's user avatar
  • 6,678
12 votes
1 answer

Proper Stack Exchange site for hardware recommendations

As title says, is there a Stack Exchange site for hardware recommendations? Mistakenly, I thought that general (non localized) question about hardware without specific prices and stores would be ok ...
Aniti's user avatar
  • 821
12 votes
1 answer

One-boxing on Super User chat for the SU Blog

Now that the SU blog is official, it would be nice if posts from the SU blog could be one-boxed in Chat, like posts from the official SO blog are. Could this be enabled? I imagine it would be a pretty ...
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.5k
12 votes
2 answers

Unable to propose tag wiki

I am trying to create a tag wiki for question-of-the-week, but every time I click on Propose Tag Wiki it just reloads the page and doesn't let me make the tag wiki.
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.5k
12 votes
0 answers

Allow low rep users (<20) to post in chat if given explicit write access

A few times I have found myself needing to chat with a low rep user in order to better understand their question without cluttering the comments section. Twice, this has been with very low rep users (&...
terdon's user avatar
  • 53.9k
11 votes
1 answer

Superuser "Too Many Requests" shows Stackoverflow artifact

While opening all StackExchange sites at once (Opera -> Links), superuser gave me the page that told me there were too many requests. The title of the page contained "StackOverflow", not superuser or ...
Konerak's user avatar
  • 1,903
11 votes
1 answer

The Markdown editing help doesn't include help for creating buttons

When asking questions, and one isn't familiar with Markdown, adding a button such as this may be very difficult and frustrating. I think many users's answers and questions involve solutions that ...
wizlog's user avatar
  • 13.5k

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