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4 votes
1 answer

Suggest a Corel Painter tag

I´m learning Corel Painter. Very nice software, but a little overwhelming for new users, I have a few questions, but Super User doesn´t have the proper tag, it has only CorelDraw, wich is no useful. ...
Edgar's user avatar
  • 720
15 votes
1 answer

Drop the score requirement for proposing tag synonyms

Related to : Why am I not allowed to propose a tag synonym ? Couple of days ago, there were certain changes done to the requirements of who can propose synonyms. So you need a score of 10 or more ...
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
  • 62.1k
10 votes
1 answer

Tag rename request: [excel] -> [microsoft-excel] & [powerpoint] -> [microsoft-powerpoint]

This question has been superseded by Can we please standardize the Microsoft tags?. At the time of writing this, there are 722 questions tagged as excel & 161 questions tagged as powerpoint I ...
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
  • 62.1k
11 votes
1 answer

Are "error" and "problem" meta-tags?

From If the tag can’t work as the only tag on a question, it’s probably a meta-tag. Clearly, error and problem fit this criterion. If ...
Hello71's user avatar
  • 8,587
2 votes
2 answers

Why can I not change my email address in my profile?

I have recently decided to change the email address that my Gravatar is associated with. In the end, I had to create a new Gravatar account with the different email address. After doing this, I ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

I found a 3-day-old spammer

He answered one of my questions and then I browsed his answers only to find out that he is a spammer. All answers are the same and are commending a shareware. I demand deletion of his account. name: ...
Mehper C. Palavuzlar's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Will an option to migrate to gaming be added to Super User's close dialog?

The same request as this question but for the gaming site.
ChrisF's user avatar
  • 41.4k
10 votes
4 answers

Do we need the [crapware] tag?

This question brought to my attention the [crapware] tag, in this context being used to refer to IE9. In fact there are 6 tagged questions this way, so it's hardly a widespread issue, but it's better ...
DMA57361's user avatar
  • 18.7k
6 votes
2 answers

Webapps link missing in SU

I can't see webapps link in super user screen bottom section. Same link is present SO, API/Apps. Even serverfault doesn't have this link? I'm not sure about bug tag, still i'm making this question ...
pramodc84's user avatar
  • 233
5 votes
1 answer

Call to vote: Synonyms

I have found synonyms to all these tags, please vote up or down if you are eligible on to do so (2000 rep), 4 votes creates the association -2 votes kills it. bittorrent colors shell-script virtual-...
13 votes
1 answer

Will an option to migrate to Web Apps be added to Super User's Close dialog?

The title says it all really. Now that Nothing To Install WebApps is live, will it be added to the close dialog?
ChrisF's user avatar
  • 41.4k
5 votes
1 answer

Super User does not detect links which use internationalized domain names

In my answer here, I was explaining about Internationalized country code top-level domains. Unfortunately, standard links for some reason do not allow users to click on such links. Such addresses are ...
AndrejaKo's user avatar
  • 17.1k
6 votes
1 answer

Tag merge - [disconnect] and [disconnects]

Seems like more or less the same thing, 3 questions on one and 10 questions on the other. I can manually merge if no one objects.
dsolimano's user avatar
  • 2,906
13 votes
2 answers

Should we delete the [homework] tag?

The homework tag is a meta-tag, which is explicitly discouraged. Should we delete the homework tag from all questions? Although a question may be about homework, there's nothing useful gained by ...
Stephen Jennings's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Newest questions with YOUR TAGS only

Not sure if this should be here or meta.SO, but... A really handy feature for me, and I assume others, would be the option to see ONLY questions tagged with your tags, but in chronological order.
JNK's user avatar
  • 8,356
7 votes
1 answer

Migrated question missing its "source"

This question is being shown as migrated, but it doesn't display from where it was migrated. KronoS and Me spotted this, and Diago♦ confirmed that it come from Server Fault. Screenshot
DMA57361's user avatar
  • 18.7k
9 votes
1 answer

The suggestion to create a Tag wiki should be only there if the user can actually create one

Clicking on a tag that has no tag wiki shows the following message atop all questions (except the tag name might differ, obviously): However, clicking on it greets one with Tag wikis can be edited ...
Joey's user avatar
  • 40.8k
7 votes
1 answer

More comprehensive documentation of markdown available for comment boxes

Is there a comprehensive list of what markdown elements can be used in comment boxes? I only recently discovered that the shorter format for links actually works (whereas the longer format doesn't), ...
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.5k
2 votes
1 answer

Different Reputation showed. Which one is correct?

I´ve got a strange thing going on here. My reputation showed in the bar on top of the site is 714. I was happy with it until i looked at yesterday. The reputation ...
Diskilla's user avatar
  • 1,542
-1 votes
2 answers

Sudden Loss of Reputation [closed]

A minute ago I reached 1,512 in 5 minutes from 1,474. Now i am back to 1,474 in just 5 minutes. How is this possible . Please any moderator tell me where I lost my rep. What is happening. Ed: I ...
subanki's user avatar
  • 7,714
4 votes
1 answer

Today, again, for some reason I was logged out of Superuser and, Indeed Meta. I didn't log out! Why am I logged out?

Today, again, for some reason I was logged out of Superuser and, Indeed Meta. I didn't log out! Why am I logged out? This has happened at least twice that I am aware of. Regards,
Xavierjazz's user avatar
  • 8,198
1 vote
1 answer

Requesting rep recalc

Can any of the mods please do a rep recalc on my account ? There's a rep difference of about 500 points between the rep on my current profile and the /reputation report, and I'd rather get it down now ...
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
  • 62.1k
13 votes
2 answers

See possible duplicates in question

When one opens a question and starts typing a title, a list of possible duplicate questions is shown as illustrated below. I assume that this isn't used often since some quite obvious duplicates are ...
Pylsa's user avatar
  • 31.3k
6 votes
2 answers

Is [data] an useful tag? Do we need it? What should we do?

How to cancel hard disk from wanting to format and how to get my files back? This question is tagged data but you know it's about data from hard-drive-recovery. Best Light Software to Manage Large ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Why can't I start another bounty for this question?

A new user came up with a conclusive answer to a question of mine on which I had put a bounty a few months ago. I would like to start another bounty to award the user who solved the problem. Why is ...
Pekka's user avatar
  • 2,429
7 votes
1 answer

10K Tools Page Broken on SuperUser

Currently when using any of the links on the 10K+ users page the links are generating wrong. When clicking on Close/Delete the url is generated as tag=Close instead of tab=Close Just tested Rev: ...
BinaryMisfit's user avatar
  • 20.8k
2 votes
7 answers

Retag cmd, cli, terminal, and into command-line

command-line probably is/should be the canonical tag, with 782 questions. cmd is more Windows-oriented, but is still command-line. cli is about half-and-half, with half on Windows and half on Linux. ...
Hello71's user avatar
  • 8,587
8 votes
1 answer

Timeline broken

Trying to view the timeline for Thunderbird 3 "Reply to all", also replies to myself using the URI fails with Oops! Something Bad Happened!. This ...
Hello71's user avatar
  • 8,587
10 votes
1 answer

Retag windows-7-x64 to windows-7 and 64-bit?

Probably, but since there are already 12 questions tagged windows-7-x64, I figure I should ask first.
Hello71's user avatar
  • 8,587
3 votes
1 answer

Grouping various tags regarding energy efficiency

I've recently gained the rep to retag, so when I saw this question and didn't think the energy tag made sense (yes it's about energy, but really something like "energy efficiency" would be ...
DMA57361's user avatar
  • 18.7k
3 votes
2 answers

Merge ram and memory?

[ram] has 277 questions; [memory] has 296. Should we: Merge the two into [ram]? Merge the two into [memory]? Leave both of them alone? Retag [memory] questions that aren't about RAM into another tag, ...
Hello71's user avatar
  • 8,587
5 votes
2 answers

14 questions tagged superuser

And some of these aren't even meta questions... I'd retag them all myself, but I don't want to fill the front page with old questions. superuser
Hello71's user avatar
  • 8,587
11 votes
1 answer

Close as duplicate loop

usb write protected! is closed as a duplicate of which is closed as a duplicate of Remove the write ...
Hello71's user avatar
  • 8,587
2 votes
1 answer

Can this question be now moved to [closed]

Can this be now moved to
IsmailS's user avatar
  • 719
11 votes
1 answer

Disk, disc, and hard

Right now, there seems to be one canonical hard-drive tag, with 901 questions. There are also questions tagged disk and shudder hard disk. Yes, that's hard and disk. Should they all be retagged into ...
Hello71's user avatar
  • 8,587
13 votes
1 answer

Location of the "( visit meta )" link

Can we please move that link to top right? Like this "log out | about | meta | faq" ? Please? Update: Here is a screenshot
Agnel Kurian's user avatar
  • 2,235
4 votes
0 answers

Can't see number of answers posted with current meta.superuser colour scheme [closed]

I mean look at it! n votes say how many answer(s) posted ?
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
  • 62.1k
8 votes
2 answers

Suggestion: Link to to SuperUser FAQ

May I suggest that we link to on the SuperUser FAQ? I asked a question there which was closed with the suggestion to ask there instead.
Vivian River's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

SU tag merge request: [microsoft-word] and [word]

Can these tags on Superuser be merged into [microsoft-word] ? [microsoft-word]: 358 tags [word]: 39 tags [msword]: 1 tag EDIT: Can a moderator, please, add "Status-completed" tag to this question? ...
Mehper C. Palavuzlar's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

SU tag merge request: [install] related

Can the following tag groups on SuperUser be merged? [install] (x239), [installation] (x393), [installing] (x4), [installed] (x1). [installer] (x48), [installers] (x2).
Mehper C. Palavuzlar's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why is Windows XP tag showing zero questions ?

I noticed this while retagging a question, a search for questions tagged [windows-xp] returns 12 questions, so why is the tagging area indicating that there are no questions tagged [windows-xp] ? /ot:...
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
  • 62.1k
4 votes
1 answer

SU retagging: [mail], [apple-mail], []

The various email tags caught my attention and I started looking to see if the [mail] tag can be gotten rid of. It seems to have a few uses: generic stand-in for [email] or [mail-server]; specific-...
user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

Should we add a "no shopping recommendation" clause to the Super User FAQ?

As discussed several times, shopping questions are off-topic on Super User. They are too specific, related to a particular time, a particular place, and are also open to subjectivity (advising "which ...
Gnoupi's user avatar
  • 8,168
8 votes
1 answer

"Latest activity" with a background color on Super User

On other sites, the "latest activity" is a simple link, written the same way as the two previous informations. On Super User, however, this link has a blue background (which makes it finally ...
Gnoupi's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

SU Tag Merge Request: [monitors] to [monitor]

Really just a cosmetic thing, I think [monitors](19) should be merged into [monitor](290). It makes sense not to fragment the tags based on a plural. I guess, as well, this should be added to the list ...
squircle's user avatar
  • 6,767
5 votes
1 answer

SU Retag request: bootup & booting -> boot

It seems kinda redundant to have booting and boot separate; although one is a verb and one is a noun, it seems like it would be simpler to keep them under one tag (for organization's sake). I'm ...
squircle's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Super User times out

When will Super User be accessible again? Super User is not accessible right now. The other three sites work (Server Fault, Stack Overflow and Meta Stack Overflow). Browser error message: The ...
Peter Mortensen's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

SU retag request: [wireless-network] --> [wireless-networking]

Retag wireless-network(28) to wireless-networking(349). Also, there is also the more general wireless(222), but this one may not be an exact match on all questions.
heavyd's user avatar
  • 64.6k
9 votes
3 answers

Is Superuser's <code> CSS light-blue highlight near invisible on anyone else's laptop LCD?

I have a 15" laptop with a quality built-in LCD, but still, some very light colors wash out to where they're barely noticeable. For example the light blue background color used for the <code> ...
Spiff's user avatar
  • 108k
38 votes
9 answers

Should Random be elected a moderator on Super User?

Random is very, very helpful on Super User (and of course Meta Stack Overflow). Not that other users aren't, but Random goes the extra mile, and then some. He is often so far in the distance that I ...