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13 votes
4 answers

Firefox versions going to infinity – should we merge the tags?

This is an update to: Merge firefox-related tags? We now have: firefox-3.6 x33 firefox-4 x129 firefox-5 x33 firefox-6 x15 firefox-7 x8 (nothing in between) firefox-10 x4 How is this going to end up?...
slhck's user avatar
  • 232k
13 votes
2 answers

Get rid of the [hack] tag

The hack seems barely useful, more like a meta tag. It's used for hacking, but not strictly in the sense of security threats, but also "hacking" something together. Should we remove the "hack" tag ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 232k
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2 answers

Tags go totally nuts on hover

There's a certain area around tags where they will flip constantly between their normal and hover states. Please see the following video for an illustration of the issue: This is in Chrome stable in ...
Oliver Salzburg's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Tags beyond saving

save (merged into saving) save-as (merged into saving) saving These tags need to die.
Oliver Salzburg's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

See possible duplicates in question

When one opens a question and starts typing a title, a list of possible duplicate questions is shown as illustrated below. I assume that this isn't used often since some quite obvious duplicates are ...
Pylsa's user avatar
  • 31.3k
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1 answer

Drop kick [dropout]

Is dropout useful? A long time ago it was identified as a tag that should never be the only tag on a question...a good sign it's a meta tag. There are only 4 questions tagged as such so I get it's ...
I say Reinstate Monica's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Can we activate syntax highlighting for code blocks based on the question's tags?

I think it is time to revisit the syntax highlighting question. There is a similar request that suggests using HTML comments to activate highlighting for specific posts. I would rather implement ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 53.9k
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3 answers

Why do the voting arrow images on have non-straight edges?

Does it look like this to anyone else? missing image Edit: I've edited the image to show the stackoverflow and superuser arrows next to each other. I'm not terribly concerned about the difference in ...
user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Tag cleanup suggestion: [copy]

Description of copy is "Questions about copying in the context of file managemenent and backing up." Okay we have another tag file-copying which serve more or less the same purpose; we have xcopy ...
Kenneth L's user avatar
  • 14k
13 votes
2 answers

Should we delete the [homework] tag?

The homework tag is a meta-tag, which is explicitly discouraged. Should we delete the homework tag from all questions? Although a question may be about homework, there's nothing useful gained by ...
Stephen Jennings's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Will an option to migrate to Web Apps be added to Super User's Close dialog?

The title says it all really. Now that Nothing To Install WebApps is live, will it be added to the close dialog?
ChrisF's user avatar
  • 41.4k
13 votes
1 answer

Remove the [tweaks] tag

The tag tweaks (x60) is very broad and does not really serve any good purpose. It never adds value to any given tag combination, since you mostly want to "tweak" a certain thing – and we already ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 232k
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1 answer

Location of the "( visit meta )" link

Can we please move that link to top right? Like this "log out | about | meta | faq" ? Please? Update: Here is a screenshot
Agnel Kurian's user avatar
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2 answers

Retag request: torrent -> bittorrent

15 questions tagged 'torrent' on superuser 48 questions tagged 'bittorrent' on superuser (Only 'bittorrent' is used on SO and SF.)
Ether's user avatar
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3 answers

Remove "binary"

I heard computers use binary. My question is about computers, so I tagged it "binary". binary
Oliver Salzburg's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Beating the beta tag

Considering we already recommend having a sub-tag for betas and RCs, beta is redundant. Can we get rid of it?
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 132k
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New error message box is easy to miss

In my answer to Is it possible for many domain names to share one IP address? I wanted to include a link to the IP for to show how shared hosting and accessing by IP's did not work, ...
Scott Chamberlain's user avatar
13 votes
0 answers

Vampyric tags: [design] won't die

design didn't die like we wanted it to. The answer to life, the universe, and everything may be among the questions tagged with it, but these still cover such a broad swath of computery experience ...
music2myear's user avatar
  • 44.8k
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0 answers

Logistics for Cleanup Weekend 2

We are having another cleanup weekend. This time we will focus on: fixing the rest of the broken images (most of this work has been completed) cleaning up some more tags The cleanup will last for ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 160k
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0 answers

Get rid of Microsoft tag [duplicate]

microsoft shouldn't exist, as it does not help find pertinent questions. I vote to get rid of it
Canadian Luke's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

Question of the week #36

Now we're into week 36 of the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post and vote for your favorite question for this week. Please post any question that you feel is of worth ...
iglvzx's user avatar
  • 23.7k
12 votes
3 answers

PDF tag wiki uneditable

There is no link/button that will allow editing of the pdf tag wiki. Improve this tag wiki pink just redirects back to the tag wiki page. What is going on? (Note DanielBeck also has this problem, so ...
soandos's user avatar
  • 24.5k
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3 answers

Why does the Super User Blog have the same styles as the Server Fault Blog?

It seems that the Super User Blog is using the same stylesheet as the Server Fault Blog. Shouldn't we have our own colors? Maybe something like so: instead of what we have now: Edit: After further ...
Kredns's user avatar
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1 answer

How can a question be protected by Community? Why is the date format different there?

I don't understand the following screenshot I took a moment ago: How can Community, and not a named moderator, protect something? Why is the date and time format in the protected message ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
  • 111k
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1 answer

plasma tag itself is too generic, should be compounded and split into TV and workspace

As things stand right now, plasma is ambiguous. Questions labeled with it refer both to plasma TVs and to the KDE graphical environment, and this doesn't seem correct to me. I suggest deleting the ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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Tag [general] is so meta

Trogdor? Please burninate the tag general. No explanation necessary...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

One-boxing on Super User chat for the SU Blog

Now that the SU blog is official, it would be nice if posts from the SU blog could be one-boxed in Chat, like posts from the official SO blog are. Could this be enabled? I imagine it would be a pretty ...
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.5k
12 votes
2 answers

Unable to propose tag wiki

I am trying to create a tag wiki for question-of-the-week, but every time I click on Propose Tag Wiki it just reloads the page and doesn't let me make the tag wiki.
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.5k
12 votes
3 answers

The [failure] tag, a story of fail?

Please look at the 226 questions under failure. We are a site for computer problems. Tags such as "error" often don't add any additional value. The same goes for "failure", and it's probably a bit ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 232k
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1 answer

We should cleanup/remove the [combine] tag

There are around 100 questions with the tag combine. Some of them are related to combining or merging items, and for others, I don't know why they're tagged with it at all. I don't think this tag adds ...
Máté Juhász's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

The next [selection] for burnination

The selection tag has 131 questions and 0 followers. Questions with this tag cover the entire scope of the site. The tag serves absolutely zero purpose and should be wiped from the face of Super User ...
Excellll's user avatar
  • 12.8k
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3 answers

Let's change our [background]

There are actually a few 'background' tags floating around in the... background. ...Ok, that one was terrible. In all seriousness: Updates These tags have been removed: background - used ...
Robotnik's user avatar
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1 answer

Super User Question of the Week #31

Now we're into week 31 of the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post and vote for your favorite question for this week. Please post any question that you feel is of worth ...
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.5k
12 votes
1 answer

Merge [web-crawler] [webcrawling] [crawler] [spider] tags

web-crawler x 20 spider x 12 webcrawling x 6 crawler x 5 They're all identical and refer to Web crawler: Other terms for Web crawlers are ants, automatic indexers, bots, Web spiders, Web robots,...
tempy's user avatar
  • 283
12 votes
1 answer

Tag "lock" is a mess

The tag lock seems to be a mess. It's used for among other things: file locks lock screen keyboard lock locking of preferences excel We should do something about it. We should probably ...
Nifle's user avatar
  • 34.8k
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0 answers

Pummel [panel]?

panel is an undefined tag with 42 questions. Even if it was defined, it begs misuse because it can apply to so many different kinds of things, and people don't read the wiki excerpts. Should we beat ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
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0 answers

Merge [email-rules] and [email-filter]

email-rules has 1 follower and 61 67 uses: Actions performed automatically on incoming or outgoing messages, based on conditions that you specify. email-filter has 0 followers and 48 51 uses: ...
Kenster's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Top Questions of the Week #19

Now we're into post 19 of the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post and vote for your favorite question for this week. Please post any question that you feel is of worth ...
nhinkle's user avatar
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Top Questions of the Week #17

Now we're into post 17 of the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post and vote for your favorite question for this week. Please post any question that you feel is of worth ...
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.5k
11 votes
3 answers

Should we split up the off-topic "shopping" closing reason?

One of our current off-topic reasons reads like this: Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they tend to become obsolete quickly. Instead, ...
slhck's user avatar
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Question of the Week #38

Now we're into post #38 of the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post and vote for your favorite question for this week. Please post any questions that you feel is of worth ...
James Mertz's user avatar
  • 26.5k
11 votes
3 answers

merge [shortcut], [shortcuts] and [keyboard-shortcuts] on superuser

On superuser we have [keyboard-shortcuts] x 34 [shortcuts] x 4 [shortcut] x 2 I was thinking of changing the 6 ones labeled shortcuts and shortcut to keyboard-shortcuts as this would be the least ...
fretje's user avatar
  • 10.7k
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1 answer

"mono" tag as in "vs .net" and as in "vs. stereo"

There seem to be two uses of the tag "mono", one for questions related to audio and one for questions related to the Mono framework. Wouldn't it be better to create a tag "mono-framework" and retag ...
Andrew J. Brehm's user avatar
11 votes
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Disk, disc, and hard

Right now, there seems to be one canonical hard-drive tag, with 901 questions. There are also questions tagged disk and shudder hard disk. Yes, that's hard and disk. Should they all be retagged into ...
Hello71's user avatar
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Clean it up, and [diy]

diy has many, many questions, that could be closed. This tag is also EXTREMELY meta. I propose we get rid of it, quickly... And with a can-do attitude
Canadian Luke's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Please burninate the [loading] tag

loading doesn't sound like a very useful tag to me. 16 questions are tagged with it and I request that it is burninated!
jokerdino's user avatar
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'Lost' tag is meaningless

This is on 8 questions, and I just saw it used as recently as today. This seems like the definition of a meta tag to me and should probably go away, yes?
Shinrai's user avatar
  • 18.8k
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Superuser "Too Many Requests" shows Stackoverflow artifact

While opening all StackExchange sites at once (Opera -> Links), superuser gave me the page that told me there were too many requests. The title of the page contained "StackOverflow", not superuser or ...
Konerak's user avatar
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Is there an easy way to find out what this site's on-topic and off-topic questions are?

There is no quick and easy way to find what are the topics of Super User, nor what is off-topic The Gives a very (and too) brief information in its first paragraph as to what is ...
Olivier Dulac's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Unsynonomize [synaptic] and [synaptics]

Synaptics is a company that makes human interface devices like touchpads. Synaptic is a Linux package manager that works with Apt. At some point in the past, these two tags were incorrectly ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k

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