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A request for assistance from community, moderators, or staff with one of the site's features

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General purpose kindle computing questions allowed?

Can I ask a question about the Kindle with regards to using it as a general purpose computing device, running Linux? My question is about the APIs that might be available to a programmer writing an ...
Rocketmagnet's user avatar
2 votes
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What's the deal with the "blatantly off-topic" close flag?

I don't remember there being a flag like this for some time (but then again, I haven't flagged a question as being off-topic for some time also). Searching MSE, MSO and here didn't turn up any ...
Doktoro Reichard's user avatar
2 votes
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change question

I have asked How to connect multiple bluetooth A2DP/HFP-compatible phones to one bluetooth headset? hoping to find if "is there a product that does X"; however with strict "product recommendation ...
Costin Gușă's user avatar
2 votes
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Tag deletion request: register

As shown on There are only 16 questions tagged with register. Within them, I found the following "meanings" for register: register as Registry CPU ...
Doktoro Reichard's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

List guess-the-application as off-topic in the FAQ list

The answer to "Are 'Guessing Game' type questions allowed on SU?" says guessing-the-software questions are banned. Fine, but that information should be in the FAQ list under "and it is not about" or ...
msh210's user avatar
  • 225
2 votes
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What are congratulations? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Review post test What are the “congratulations” in the review tasks?
kinokijuf's user avatar
  • 8,315
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SuperUser accounts exclusion

Why is superuser not showing up in my profile under accounts? I have 3 StackExchange accounts, and ran into some trouble with this one after attempting to create the account 3 times when the first ...
Code Monkey's user avatar
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Question about how identical questions are defined

There is a question that has been asked three times by the same poster with near identical info in the description, but slightly different question title. So my question is, are these three different ...
Carl B's user avatar
  • 6,650
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Find the tags with the most/least answered questions

Is there a way to view this? I know that by clicking on the tag will show the number of questions that are answered overall, in the last 30 days, and the last 7 days. Is there a broader list that ...
soandos's user avatar
  • 24.5k
2 votes
1 answer

Merge the tag "test" with the tag "testing"

It seems that test and testing should be set as synonyms.
user avatar
2 votes
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How come this question has 200+ kviews? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Over 243,000 views in 3 days? What are the Windows A: and B: drives used for? The view count of this question is the highest to be found on any stackexchange question, how is ...
Sander Versluys's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Is there something off with how reputation is built on Stack Exchange?

Is reputation only built or assessed by tenure and quantity and not by fewer but well researched, studied and articulated questions and relevant answers? Original title started as this: Why does ...
Alex S's user avatar
  • 1,011
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3 answers

Which PHP script does Super User use?

Possible Duplicate: What was Stack Overflow built with? Does anybody know which PHP script Super User is using? I plan to set-up a web site for college education issues. But I want it to have a ...
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Question is getting downvotes and a close request Why is that happening? And what can I do to it to ask it again in a more acceptable way?
laggingreflex's user avatar
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2 answers

I edited my question too many times

I'm very new to the forums, so I don't have much experience whether I should edit or post a new question. A day ago, I asked a question at about where programs should be installed for a ...
potatoguy's user avatar
  • 381
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3 answers

Why can't I register on SuperUser without OpenID?

I left the "register" window open for two days and it never completed. How can I register without using an OpenID?
Liam's user avatar
  • 21
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1 answer

Why was my flag to stop my bounty rejected?

I placed a +50 bounty on the wrong question: Why can't I change Normal Style's 'Style type'?. When I realised I raised a flag requesting the bounty be stopped (and the reputation ...
user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How do you deal with edits that strip personal details of the author from a question, ultimately graveyarding the question?

I posted on Super User about a rather particular issue about Windows 10 behaving very awkwardly to the point where I'd call the issue a bug, since traditional methods of how you would normally fix ...
beggarboy's user avatar
  • 101
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3 answers

Why is the header of this site not fixed?

If you go to then you will notice, that the header is fixed and always visible. Why is this not the case at superuser?
Black's user avatar
  • 8,361
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1 answer

My account should likely be deleted

Everything I have done in the last two days has been closed, wrong or deleted. So truly, as my days are becoming here a waste of my time. You are welcome to delete my account as that would likely be ...
user avatar
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2 answers

Why am I penalized for someone removing his own answer?

My reputation log indicates that I have received a -1 because LPChip has removed his own answer in "How do I extract an archive embedded inside a video when WinRAR can't detect it?" Okay, I can ...
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can we bump threads? [duplicate]

I have seen a post here, which I was reluctant to flag, but apparently has just been deleted. The post was an answer to "up" the thread. Obviously, that is not an answer, and thus deserved a flag, ...
Valmiky Arquissandas's user avatar
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3 answers

How to know number of users?

ust for curious I wanted to know how many users are there in and Who is the 1st user? If I click on the users tab,it only shows me the new users details. But is it possible to know who ...
SpringLearner's user avatar
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2 answers

Unclear flag policy for low-reputation users

I've been notified by a mod at Android Enthusiasts of my abuse of the flag system. I'm sorry, but we're not going to keep converting [your non-answers] to comments for you. Earn 50 rep and you ...
zero2cx's user avatar
  • 641
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2 answers

Why was my software-rec question closed?

How is my question worse than, for example, this one? I believe I have provided a fairly comprehensive list of requirements, so that a best answer would be possible. Of the 10 requirements I've noted,...
kotekzot's user avatar
  • 943
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2 answers

Is there a way to "merge" revisions?

Being somewhat of a perfectionist, I tend to edit my own answers multiple times; amending typos, working over the layout and so on. Every edit creates a new revision, even if it was only a slight typo ...
tohuwawohu's user avatar
  • 10.9k
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Closed DLNA question

Yesterday i edited my closed question to specify that i will be using it for my computer, as explicitly stated by the FAQ: Super User is for computer enthusiasts and power users. If you have a ...
Cees Timmerman's user avatar
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2 answers

my post was deleted

I have a question about my Super User post: File Server - Is it possible to allow users to view all files but don't allow them to access them the question was "user's can't see all folders, how ...
curtmcgirt's user avatar
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1 answer

Could I be the first to say that this is scam? [closed] is a scam. Could anyone vote this post as scam?
Joseph's user avatar
  • 1,375
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What is the mystery text appearing in the search box

What does the mystery text like user:328460 appearing in the search box mean ?
Ramvignesh's user avatar
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2 answers

Why can't I create a superuser login? Why do I have to use a third party?

Why can't I create a superuser login? Why do I have to use a third party? What are your quality standards? Why can't I comment?
user avatar
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2 answers

Plugging cord into laptop or wall question closed as NARQ

I asked if it matters which side of the power cord you plug in first but it got closed. The reason, "not a real question". I don't know how it was "unclear".
daisy's user avatar
  • 1,148
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How do I have 199 reputation on Meta if I haven't asked questions on here before?

I haven't asked a question on here before, but yet my meta reputation is 199. How?
superuser's user avatar
  • 3,554
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1 answer

Request for reopen question 352656

It was closed as off-topic by being mobile question, but in fact it is an windows software question to find a software to handle bulk installation/setup for several similar devices. I rewrote the ...
Vili's user avatar
  • 101
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1 answer

Can question 307725 please be reopened

I am a little confused. I think my question 307725 was incorrectly closed by a moderator. The question refers to the use of the Kindle app on Windows. Surely that is acceptable?
Martin Duys's user avatar
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Is there a way to hide several year old questions?

I have been getting back into the habit of checking this forum, trying to help others with what little I can. However, I'm noticing a not insignificant trend when loading the home page; I'm seeing ...
Caturday Saint's user avatar
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Followup on a closed question

Concerning this question by this user: The author's intent, to ask in order to find a solution for his problem, was a good one/idea. Actually it was a very good one, since doing usability research in ...
Albin's user avatar
  • 11.3k
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Question up for 1 hour and all comments disappeared

I was getting what I thought was negative feedback on a question that I had asked an hour ago, and I made an edit to as an attempt to correct myself about 10 minutes ago. The moment I posted the edit ...
user avatar
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1 answer

Why can I edit everyone's posts?

I do not have 50 reputation to comment, but I can click "edit" everywhere. Of course, I do not modify other people's posts, but why can I do this?
eexpress's user avatar
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What could be the reason for downvote on a question without any clarifications?

Two folders with weird names with huge size. What are those? What should I do with them? I just want to know the reason of downvote. I really do not feel that the question is technically wrong or ...
explorer's user avatar
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Should we have closing guidelines with examples?

It would be useful to have some examples of questions that should and shouldn't be closed for specific reasons, with detailed explainations why. It could reduce the number of invalid flags and make ...
gronostaj's user avatar
  • 58k
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1 answer

Deletion of first line in questions

I've noticed that when I make the first line of my post Hi Superuser, or Hello Superuser, It auto-deletes it. If it is anything else (maybe a few more variants of this exist), it will not ...
itdoesntwork's user avatar
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Has anyone noticed that probably about 50-60% of all questions/answers are all made by EXTREMELY new people?

You can pretty much go to any page and find at least one answer/question made by a person with 1 reputation and no badges. Examples: image one image two (the bottom answer) image three image four ...
Jon's user avatar
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Why is this question off topic?

I don't know why the following question is off topic: I thought a system administrator was a super user. Are there any Stack Exchange sites I can migrate ...
DinushanM's user avatar
  • 103
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Another chameleon question

This question: Is there a tool which can resume video conversion? seems to be about… well, video conversion, but as the most-upvoted answer indicates, user’s right p0rblem lies everywhere. What should ...
kinokijuf's user avatar
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What software does Super User use for its voting system?

What software is used for the Q&A voting set up on Super User? I once had a link to a similar software (Photobucket used to use a similar thing) online but have lost it since and can't find it ...
user avatar
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2 answers

Please help to reopen "managing huge personal data"?

This question is now deprecated, this is now to be resolved by: Please help reopen "What was scientifically shown to support productivity when structural organizing/accessing file and folders?&...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the "dot" character on super user logo? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do I create the Super User Logo in text? I try to find it in this post but I didn't find my answer there. Is it the: · GREEK ANO TELEIA Unicode Hex 0387 or the • MIDDLE DOT ...
John Isaiah Carmona's user avatar
1 vote
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Missing Upvotes

I went through several of KCotreau's answers yesterday upvoting, showing my appreciation using the upvotes I had left near the end of the day. This morning, I found none of my votes for him from ...
music2myear's user avatar
  • 44.8k
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Merge superuser and stackoverflow accounts

I've just created an account here, but I see my reputation is 1 even though on stackoverflow it's about 175. In my user panel there are both accounts listed. So my question is: Can I merge these ...
Andrzej Gis's user avatar

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