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26 votes
1 answer

Merge Request: [visual-studio-code] and [vscode]

I would like to propose making vscode a synonym of visual-studio-code. Questions regarding Visual Studio Code are actively posted under both the visual-studio-code and vscode tags. There is no ...
Alex Myers's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

Should answers suggesting a tool that is no longer available be flagged?

While reviewing a different answer to the same question, I noticed this answer: The answerer is providing a solution using a software they wrote themselves, but the link to that software has gone ...
Worthwelle's user avatar
  • 4,788
-1 votes
1 answer

Why was my question put on hold as opinion-based when it wasn't?

This question of mine was recently put on hold for being off-topic. This is despite the fact that: I made it clear and unambiguous about what I was looking for and wasn't looking for in the body of ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
  • 13.4k
11 votes
1 answer

Is it even possible to reword my question to be relevant?

So this is my question. Now I get why it was put on hold and I am not going to dispute that. Though I would like to point out that I am not asking for a product recomendation, service or learning ...
Idra's user avatar
  • 121
30 votes
2 answers

Is this acceptable by the CoC?

There's this bit listed in the Code of Conduct as the first example of "unfriendly behavior": Then there's this comment: Now, I've written my fair share of rude comments, but I do believe that ...
grawity's user avatar
  • 481k
17 votes
1 answer

Extending the range of wireless-extender

Is it possible to get the tag range-extender converted to a synonym of wireless-extender? The questions in each category seem to be talking about extending the range of wireless signals. What does ...
Burgi's user avatar
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2 votes
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Where to ask: "Must I use an emulator to use KakaoStory and WeChat on Windows 10?"

Which SE website fits this question?
user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Why did my answer get deleted? Remove BIOS password I posted an answer to this question which I felt was pretty good. The answer received one upvote then the next time I view the answer it ...
FreeSoftwareServers's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Please reopen 'Why isn't my partition appearing?'

I have a question about my Super User post: Why isn't my partition appearing? Ramhound kindheartedly solved my problem. Thus the post ought be reopened to let others read it.
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is there a standardised/preferred format of representing navigation instructions for context/toolbar/other menus and options? [closed]

I will use GIMP2 as an example, when instructing a person to create a Round Button as shown in the below image. Personally any given day I could write and format navigation instructions in many ...
angelofdev's user avatar
  • 1,156
-4 votes
1 answer

Where is Hall of Fame of this site?

Where is Hall of Fame of this site and of the entire group of 174 sites? Hall of Fame, showing things like who are top 10 or 100 highest rep members, who all have most badges, who all crossed rep or ...
VSRawat's user avatar
  • 513
-10 votes
1 answer

Why not make it a level playing field? Downvotes of 125+ rep persons on 125- rep persons should not be recorded [closed]

So, downvotes of persons with <75 (or is it <125) reps are not recorded. May I know Why of this yet another discriminatory rule? Do less reps take away any fundamental rights of a person ...
VSRawat's user avatar
  • 513
-10 votes
2 answers

So, we "have nots" can't give 5 reputation bounty to some one as a thank you?

yesterday, one person gave answer in great details to one of my question and that made several things clear to me and satisfied. I wanted to say thank you to him, so I thought to give 5 points bounty ...
VSRawat's user avatar
  • 513
-3 votes
2 answers

Do Mods get Rep for Deleting Downvoted Answers? [closed]

Second time I've seen the same moderator call an answer a "comment" (and delete it), when the real issue is (let's be generous to the moderator here) the quality or correctness of the answer. Why ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to add a newline/line forward at superuser comments?

With pushing [ENTER] button a comment is sent to server. How does one make a new line inside comments instead?
beyondtime's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What are correct tags or SE sites for the I2P questions?

Are proper tags or SE sites for the I2P questions? I find out some specific links maybe clarify some things about what is the I2P: I2P Compared to Tor and The I2P are the main alternatives to the ...
illiterate's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Should my question be a duplicate?

I asked this question about network shares becoming inaccessible on my Windows computer. It was closed as a duplicate of this question. I'm not convinced mine should be closed as a duplicate of the ...
I say Reinstate Monica's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to add an answer to this topic ?

I'm a new user, I can't add my answer to this topic: How can I export a directory structure? I want to write the best solution: Visual CD
ken's user avatar
  • 1
8 votes
2 answers

Community Promotion Ads — 2019 [duplicate]

2019 is here! And with the new year, as usual, comes a new iteration of Community Promotion Ads! Let’s refresh these for the coming year :) What are Community Promotion Ads? Community Promotion Ads ...
JNat's user avatar
  • 243
-2 votes
1 answer

How can I make a proper post title on Meta when asking how to improve my questions?

Each time I ask about one of my down voted questions on Meta, if I use the title, "How can I improve this question?" I think these posts will be duplicates. But including the post's title from the ...
illiterate's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Reputation is not updated

I have some daily records of approved edits, which should continuously increase the reputation. Suggestions as of 18th January: However, the last successful reputation update was 3 days back: I ...
Ahmed Ashour's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Do we need a canonical question for creating bootable Windows 10 installation media?

To this date, community-faq has only one canonical post for creating bootable installation media for Windows 7 which dates back to 2009. The answers are mostly "use this tool and it works" that are ...
user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Did I ever ask a question about Microsoft OneNote 2016?

As at Jan 15 2019, StackExchange doesn't let users see questions that aren't recently deleted.
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How long does it take to delete questions on Superuser/Stackexchange?

I have a question about my Super User post: Extend video without re-encoding/encoding/re-compressing/transcoding I was told on my previous post to Is it better to ask FFMPEG questions in this section ...
internet is for kittens's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Please be mindful of non-programming and development question migrations

Stack Overflow is a site for programming and development questions. This question was recently migrated to Stack Overflow even though it has nothing to do with programming and development: Create ...
jww's user avatar
  • 12.5k
1 vote
0 answers

Why was my question about not being able to boot from USB poorly received?

PC does not start from Windows 10 USB It got downvotes almost instantly. I would like to understand why? Maybe I can improve my question. I asked it because I kind of feel stuck in my quest to make ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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-6 votes
1 answer

Why was this question about securely wiping SSDs closed as "too broad"?

I asked the following question, and it was closed as "too broad". This boggles my mind, as the research I did for the question meant that I'd made it as specific as a question could possibly be, and ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
  • 13.4k
11 votes
2 answers

HTTP Downloader Spam Answers

Just a heads up to reviewers tonight: there’s a newbie who has been posting answers to questions about large downloads. He has answered at least 5 other questions the same way: promoting his app. Here’...
Joseph's user avatar
  • 1,375
16 votes
0 answers

2018: a year in moderation

It's New Year's Day in Stack Exchange land... A distinguishing characteristic of these sites is how they are moderated: We designed the Stack Exchange network engine to be mostly self-regulating, in ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 522
-3 votes
1 answer

kvm tag should be re-synonymized to linux-kvm

Way back in the early days of SU the tag kvm was synonymized to kvm-switch apparently without a whole lot of discussion. But this is resulting in a lot of confusion, as most people seem to expect the ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

bold to emphasize main points? [duplicate]

I've been using bold to emphasize the main point I'm looking for, so people can see that and then read the details more. Is this a good idea? Example: How to not change title with winscp batch
Mark Deven's user avatar
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-10 votes
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suggestion for admin [duplicate]

There should be a way the person who asks the question can send $10 by Paypal to the person who answers the question without disclosing email. The site has the email, so just enable a button to send ...
Stephen's user avatar
  • 183
12 votes
4 answers

Is it better to ask FFMPEG questions in this section or on Stack Exchange video?

I've noticed only after I already made a post on the new videoproduction/ video.stackexchange site that the official site of FFmpeg's contact page actually points to HERE (Super User site, with ...
internet is for kittens's user avatar
4 votes
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How to make good tag wiki excerpts for software tags?

I recently came across the tag deluge which apparently is a BitTorrent client. Seeing that the tag had no excerpts but a few questions I wanted to add one so that users can easily see what deluge is. ...
User025's user avatar
  • 702
-3 votes
2 answers

Question closed automatically; how to improve?

I asked a simple question (only visible to 10K+ rep users) about Facebook terminating my Internet connection, provided all the information I had available. What am I doing wrong? How to reopen and ...
JavaSheriff's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Which UPS related questions are on-topic?

My recent question about an APC UPS was closed as off-topic ("This question is not about computer hardware or software, within the scope defined in the help center.") I flagged another UPS-related ...
palacsint's user avatar
  • 627
3 votes
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Trying to find one of my own (deleted?) questions

About 1.5 month back I posted a question about a strange problem concerning the connection to my smartphone through my router. I'm trying to find it going through my questions, "all actions" and my ...
Albin's user avatar
  • 11.3k
-5 votes
4 answers

Are Easter Eggs on topic, or not?

Recently this happened, I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because "You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face." as per
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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3 votes
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Should some or all browser search engines now be considered on-topic?

This question has been asked before, including this one not that long ago: Is asking about search engines ( + On Topic on superuser?. Search engines are generally web ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Why am I able to flag my own questions?

I just noticed that I (as everyone else) can flag my own questions. There are fewer options (no "spam", "rude or abusive" nor "very low quality") to choose, but it's still possible to flag your own ...
francescop21's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Answer edit rejected, explanation requested The original answer contained a slightly rambling instruction on how to copy a system folder via Explorer, that ended with the text "Google it". I ...
Ian Kemp's user avatar
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22 votes
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Why was my question on compatibility flagged as a "Hardware Purchasing Question"?

I am new to this Stack Exchange site. I recently asked a question about whether certain connections were standardized, specifically laptop 4k non-touch screens. It quickly got flagged as an off-topic ...
Zarquan's user avatar
  • 263
-5 votes
2 answers

Is it possible that some questions can be considered suitable only AFTER posting?

This is longer on my mind but now I experienced it also with my question. Imagine there is a question which has real answer which can be found after investigation (whether it is more or less ...
miroxlav's user avatar
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8 votes
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Are questions about adblocking on-topic?

Our help says that questions about "websites or web services like Facebook, Twitter, and WordPress" are off topic. What about web browser add-ons, specifically configuring adblockers? We've had ...
Gavin S. Yancey's user avatar
-5 votes
3 answers

Wrongly Closing/on Hold'ing questions?

If a question that can be seen by some as a somewhat broad question (and others not that broad), but can be (and gets) answered as if it is a direct question (Q&A), is it wrong or ok for a ...
Tom's user avatar
  • 59
9 votes
2 answers

When writing/editing an answer or a question - how do I insert an image through a web link / URL?

When writing/editing an answer or a question and adding an image through the "image-button": Didn't there used to be an option to insert an image through a web link / URL (e.g. https://meta....
Albin's user avatar
  • 11.3k
9 votes
4 answers

Worth writing an answer for badly researched questions?

I want to ask in in "general" manner, but I would like to refer to this specific example. Just please don't get hung up to much at the "other" problems the question poses. Mainly I'm concerned about ...
Albin's user avatar
  • 11.3k
6 votes
4 answers

One same user's multiple answer existing at same time in same question? What is happened?

One same user's multiple answer existing at same time in same question? What is happened? Is such things as one normal program logical for StackExchange site? Is some help documentation for this ...
illiterate's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Merge or synonymize request: [powershell-core] and [powershell-6.0]

Actually Microsoft changed naming several times and right now they called it Microsoft Powershell Core 6.0 Both tags contain no questions right now so it is better to put things in order right now. ...
maoizm's user avatar
  • 1,124
0 votes
1 answer

New Super User no reputation problems [duplicate]

I'm running in to some Super User issues as with no reputation, you can't ask a question on Meta, nor comment on anything, so my only option to gain reputation seems to be editing previous answers to ...
Josh EC's user avatar

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